I want to stop using 2.2 stable and start using the 2.3 snapshots
I understand that I need to add the repo from JFrog Artifactory instance
What I am not sure about is, do I need to remove the stable repo from the apt list?
Then when done and I hit sudo apt-get upgrade, will OH automatically update to the snapshots?
i would say no, but i didn’t test it with openHAB. (I used to override some multimedia tools of ubuntu with the developer repository. Worked without any problems.)
Apt will fetch the latest version, so unless the stable is newer, it should always fetch the snapshot.
That worked but for a moment I throught I lost it all!!
Upgraded via sudo apt
Restarted the box
After a minute opened 8080 and I was on the Startup welcome screen!!
Chose Expert and The tail log just stopped!!!
As it happened all the bindings, persistences and actions were uninstalled
As I was installing them one by one, they picked up the existing configs and OH came back to life set by step.