I’m completely stuck trying to install the HUSBZB-1 stick. Trying to search for the Zigbee or Z-wave stick gives me nothing at all. I’ve verified that /dev/ttyUSB0 and 1 exist and dmesg shows that the two ports were added when I plugged in the stick.
Here is what I’ve done:
Plugged stick into USB port
Added openhab to tty group and put in the extra JAVA options and added the serial binding as noted here.
Confirmed that OS sees the stick
Added Zigbee and Z-wave bindings in PaperUI
Went to Inbox and “Search or things”, selected “Z-Wave Binding” and then “Z-wave serial Controller” and set the serial port to /dev/USB0. It creates the thing, but it says “OFFLINE - COMMUNICATION ERROR”
Tried adding is as a zigbee stick using manual and selecting the Ember EM35x Coordinator and setting it up like the picture here. Also communication error.
Am I missing a step?