MQTT 2.5 Actions Fail

Hi there,

I’m updating my OpenHAB server to a new Raspberry PI4 and updating it to 2.5.9 (I know, it’s about time).
Basically, this means moving to the new 2.5.x MQTT binding. Most of the update has been smooth sailing, but one thing still causes issues.

Previously, I had an MQTT publish action that would send an MQTT message to my shellies and have the update to the latest firmware.

Now I am trying to use the Rule Action that is described on the new bindings addon page (, but it simply will not work.

I keep getting errors like this in the log:
An error occurred during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.openhab.binding.mqtt.action.MQTTActions.publishMQTT(org.eclipse.smarthome.core.thing.binding.ThingActions,java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.lang.Boolean) on instance: null

Here’s my MQTT thing:
Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquitto [ host="", clientID="openhab2", port=1883,secure=false,retainMessages=false, retain=false ] { }

and here’s my test rule:

rule "Shellies Announce"
    Item Shellies_Command received command
    logDebug(logger, "Shelly maintenance on all devices: " + receivedCommand)

    val actions = getActions("mqtt","mqtt:broker:mosquitto")
    actions.publishMQTT("dollerup/home/test","Shellies Announce")    

    switch (receivedCommand) 
        case "announce" :
            actions.publishMQTT("mosquitto", "shellies/command", "announce") 
            logDebug(logger, "All Shellies are requested to announce themselves")



What am I doing wrong?

I am not sure why it would not be working is you bridge thing online in paper UI?

My bridge is this

Bridge mqtt:broker:myMQTTBroker [ host ="", secure =false, clientID ="myMQTTClient" ]

Do you need a username and password or your mosquitto?
Do you have the mqtt binding installed?

Can you try restarting openhab using sudo systemctl restart openhab2.service

Here are 2 working rule examples that work for me 2.5.9

rule "Test Item"
  Item TEST222a received command
  val value = '{\"state\":\"' + receivedCommand + '\"}'
  val actions = getActions("mqtt","mqtt:broker:myMQTTBroker") // myMQTTBroker is the name of my broker yours may be different


rule "Test MQTT Rule"
 Item TEST222a changed 
   val mqttActions = getActions("mqtt","mqtt:broker:myMQTTBroker")
   mqttActions.publishMQTT("dollerup/home/test", "Shellies Announce")

I found it. I had an extra parameter in the publishMQTT statement:

        case "announce" :
            actions.publishMQTT("mosquitto", "shellies/command", "announce") 
            logDebug(logger, "All Shellies are requested to announce themselves")

After I changed it to:

        case "announce" :
            actions.publishMQTT("shellies/command", "announce") 
            logDebug(logger, "All Shellies are requested to announce themselves")

It worked!!!

Now, as to why I didn’t see that I failed to “update” the mqtt action v1 statement, I can’t really give you an answer :wink:
