I have read advice that, if event bus functionality is desired, the best course of action for now to use the 1.x MQTT binding. Can anyone confirm that ?
Is there a good way to let a 2.4 Openhab push all events to a MQTT broker ? I found this mqqteventbus.rules but it looks like a lot of rules for something that I expected to be a couple of “catch-all”… Should I use it anyway ?
Is some “dump all events to MQTT” event bus feature roadmapped for the 2.x MQTT binding ?
There is an easy way with mqtt2 but its a bit hidden right now, you ll find how to do it here Roadmap: MQTT binding just click on the link and scroll to the part about synchronizing two instances
Thank you - I had read that thread and the MQTT broker synchronization recipe you allude to, but I had failed to catch how relevant they are to my questions.
So, it looks like the below rule is pretty much what I need:
rule "Publish all"
Member of myGroupOfItems changed
val actions = getActions("mqtt","mqtt:broker:myUnsecureBroker")
Except of course that I’ll need to define a group - from what I understand from threads here, there is no built-in “all items” group… Wouldn’t such thing be useful ?
Sure. But the old rule syntax is not extended anymore. openHAB is a bit in flux at the moment.
It is probably possible with the new Java scripting support in openHAB (Jython, Javascript syntax)
you can give HABApp a try. It’s a rule engine for home automation in python I am using to easily create rules.
I have included an example rule which does exactly what you want without further configuration changes.
I would love to get some feedback
There has already been a bug report opened by @5iver.
I’m currently clueless why that is, as the xml description file clearly marks trigger channels as type “trigger”. Will investigate when the integration tests work again on the addons repo.
What about using the persistence for the outgoing messages? That could be an “elegant” way of addressing the point, without having to define a group as it is possible to use the * wildcard.