MQTT Embedded broker advantages

You can place the Bridge in the top of your things file to have them all together. See my example above…Op’s I need to edit and add the ending }.:upside_down_face: I only copied the first 3 and not everything in the file.

You only need one file for your items.

Yes I realized it when reading your config. :slight_smile:

I am still learning, eventually I will get my files nice and neat once I know what I am doing. :smiley:

That must have been the config that got it working, after probably days of reading, changing things over and over, burning of incense and chanting, I was probably too afraid to touch it any more at the time. :rofl:

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Two years and I’m still lost…:rofl:


No, anything that is 2.x can be managed through the rest API. So that means anything with Things can be managed through the REST API. The official recommendation is it manage all Things that way in fact.

For the MQTT binding, that can be awkward for some people because they may have lots of Things to create that are very similar to reach other and they want to copy/paste/edit. But in those cases I recommend:

  • created the first Thing using PaperUI
  • query for the Thing using the REST API docs
  • copy and paste the JSON to the add Thing REST end point in the RESt API docs
  • edit
  • summit
  • repeat the last two steps for reach additional Thing

I spend almost no time helping people with Things managed through the REST API. The syntax is never wrong and all the options are present and documented (in PaperUI). I can’t say the same for those who use .things files.

Hopefully the PaperUI replacement will support copy/paste/edit. It already supports importing existing .items files and definitions.

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