MQTT error: channel doesn't work in text setup, but in grafical setup?

Hi all,
I’ve got an odd issue with my MQTT setup where I need your help.

The situation: I’m trying to integrate Rhasspy as voice2command service. The communication to my openHab system runs via MQTT and I followed this guidance of @TRS-80 . I am using an external mosquito server.

My issue: I have setup the channel in the bridge over a text file like this:

Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquito [ host="server", secure=false ]  
    Thing topic sensoren {  
        Type number : keller_temp "Temperatur Keller" [ stateTopic="keller/temp", retained=true]
        Type switch : ir_tuner "TV Tuner" [ commandTopic="cmnd/sonoff/IRSend", on="{'Protocol':'RC5','Bits':12,'Data':0x20C}", off="{'Protocol':'SONY','Bits':15,'Data':0x540C}"]
        Type string : rhasspy_intent_lights "Rhasspy Light" [ stateTopic="hermes/intent/ChangeLightState" ]
        Type string : rhasspy_intent_time "Rhasspy getTime" [ stateTopic="hermes/intent/GetTime" ]

I linked the string channel to an item which the triggers a rule. All channels of the bridge work fine, but the ones for rhasspy. :worried:

String rhasspy_intent_getTime "%s" { channel="mqtt:topic:mosquitto:sensoren:rhasspy_intent_time" }

If I create the channel via the graphical display and link it to an item, it works (same broker, same MQTT State Topic with hermes/intent/GetTime). :thinking:

Any ideas? What am I missing?

Found it myself. In case somebody runs into the same issue… my setup of MQTT seems to have been an old one (which partly worked). This one is better…

Bridge mqtt:broker:mosquito [ host="server", secure=false ]  

Thing mqtt:topic:sensoren (mqtt:broker:mosquito){  
    Type number : keller_temp "Temperatur Keller" [ stateTopic="keller/temp", retained=true]
    Type number : keller_humid "Luftfeuchtigkeit Keller" [ stateTopic="keller/humid", retained=true]
Thing mqtt:topic:rhasspy (mqtt:broker:mosquito){ 
    Type string : intent_lights "Rhasspy Light" [ stateTopic="hermes/intent/ChangeLightState" ]
    Type string : intent_time "Rhasspy getTime" [ stateTopic="hermes/intent/GetTime" ]