Mqtt log-warn Build #1761

After upgrading from build 1736 to 1759, 1761
in the log, when sending a command via mqtt, warnings:

2019-11-22 19:27:52.337 [WARN ] [qtt.generic.AbstractMQTTThingHandler] - Channel mqtt:topic:g_mqtt:box_heater_ir_things:state is a read-only channel, ignoring command OFF
2019-11-22 19:27:54.074 [WARN ] [qtt.generic.AbstractMQTTThingHandler] - Channel mqtt:topic:g_mqtt:box_heater_ir_things:state is a read-only channel, ignoring command ON
2019-11-22 19:27:56.374 [WARN ] [qtt.generic.AbstractMQTTThingHandler] - Channel mqtt:topic:g_mqtt:box_heater_ir_things:state is a read-only channel, ignoring command OFF

I didn’t find a similar problem by searching, does it have one for me?
How can this be cured?

Open an issue on GitHub like you do for all snapshot issues.

Honestly, I don’t know how to do this and where exactly, sorry :frowning:
But now I will try :slight_smile:

I don’t know if it’s right or not.

The other option is not not run an unstable snapshot build that may not work. The sole purpose of those builds is for developers to find issue before testing & stable releases.

EDIT: That likely will work, Why are you running an unstable build?

I didn’t check the link but looks like you may have it figured out.:+1:

For others that want instructions on how to file an issue see this post.

It’s more convenient for me to solve small problems a couple of times a week than many problems when a stable version is released. Recently, I had no problems with the pictures.
The PS on the github told me where to look for the problem, thanks for the right direction;)

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