it seems I’d need some help here as I am pretty stuck. I am running Openhab2 on Ubuntu 16 and have mqtt running locally. My arduino writes 433Mhz switch states to mqtt using RFLink & the RFLInkgateway.py. Now I am trying to reflect the switch state from MQTT to an switch item:
Switch Switch3 “Schalter 3 " {mqtt=”<[mybroker:rflink/NewKaku/009b8ec2/R/message:state:ON:.ID=009b8ec2;SWITCH=3;CMD=ON.], <[mybroker:rflink/NewKaku/009b8ec2/R/message:state:OFF:.ID=009b8ec2;SWITCH=3;CMD=OFF.]"}
My MQTT queue correctly shows states:
stefan@openhab2:~$ mosquitto_sub -t ‘rflink/NewKaku/009b8ec2/R/message’
But my item status does not.
sitemap test label=“Testcenter” {
Switch item=Switch3
Helps and hints would be highly apreciated. THX in advance.
P.S: the item definition has ** before ID= but this post does seem to remove them - not sure how I can escape correctly here in this tool.