MQTT Switch not sending ON command

I have a device that subscribes to device/kueche/licht/set to receive commands. When its state changed, it publishes to device/kueche/licht. This works fine when using an android app to publish and subscribe to those topics. I can also see the correct traffic on a linux laptop using mosquitto_pub and mosquitto_sub.

However, I’m having trouble configuring an item to send the correct commands. Here’s my current item configuration:

Switch Licht_kueche “Licht Küche” (gTest) {mqtt="<[piffi-mosquitto:device/kueche/licht:state:ON:1]",

(no line breaks in the actual code)

What works: when I publish using the android app, the device changes its state and this is immediately reflected by the item. When the device is ON (after I switched it on using android), I can only use the item to switch it off.

Why? What’s wrong with my config?

Hello Christoph,

the binding of the item is wrong. You should once configure your binding (mqtt) and within the " you describe the commands:

Switch Licht_kueche "Licht Küche" (gTest) {mqtt="<[piffi-mosquitto:device/kueche/licht:state:ON:1], <[piffi-mosquitto:device/kueche/licht:state:OFF:0], >[piffi-mosquitto:device/kueche/licht/set:command:ON:1], >[piffi-mosquitto:device/kueche/licht/set:command:OFF:0]"}

OK that makes sense, I just didn’t adapt the examples correctly.

Furthermore, I conclude that it’s not possible to mix MQTT for status and a REST interface for commands?

The in-bound binding config strings should be in this format:

Switch Licht_kueche "Licht Küche" (gTest) { 

with transform/ containing something like:


You can add other bindings to the item, like if you wanted to send commands via HTTP:

Switch Licht_kueche "Licht Küche" (gTest) { 
http=">[*:POST:$s]" }

So the item gets its state from MQTT, but forwards its commands over HTTP.

both suggested solutions work well, but the second one:

Switch Licht_kueche "Licht Küche" (gTest) { 

seems to be slightly more responsive. Does the number of bind statements have such a visible effect on performance?

I just tried two config parts instead of four or three and that seems to work too:

Switch Licht_kueche "Licht Küche 2" (gTest) {mqtt="



Also, line breaks seem to be allowed - is that correct?

Simplifying further:

Switch Licht_kueche "Licht Küche 3" (gTest) {mqtt="

because the device sends “0” and “1” which openHAB seems to interpret correctly. Great!

Not quite - I get warnings:

[WARN ] [] - given new state is NULL, couldn't post update for 'Licht_kueche'

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