MQTT with MAP - sync both ways possible?

Hi all

Latest openHAB here, with MQTT binding in use. I’ve defined a channel “mode” linked to an item “modus”, and since on the MQTT side valid values are “0” and “1” but switches in openHAB have valid values ON and OFF, I selected MAP as profile and added the following simple transformation:


Now when I change the state on the MQTT side, e.g. like that:

mosquitto_pub -h <IP> -m "1" -t openWB/set/LegacySmartHome/config/set/Devices/2/mode

the state of the switch in openHAB changes immediately. But when I change it in openHAB, nothing happens on the MQTT side.

Channel config looks like:

MQTT State Topic


MQTT Command Topic



Thanks for your help,

Why not just use the on and off configuration parameter for the channel?

Thank’s for pointing me into this direction.

But: now when I modify the channel (e.g. with mosquitto_pub), I can see ON / OFF for a fraction of a second as the state value, but then it immediately changes to NULL; why that?

BTW, I had the same behaviour before I added =default to the transformation I used earlier.

Did you keep the MAP transform too? Can you share your full configuration?

No, I selected Default profile.

Currently, I deleted items and channel, so I cannot share my config now.

Maybe to clarify: what I want to achieve is that

  • I can modify my “switch” from within openWB, which means that the MQTT topic changes (values are 0 or 1). This should be reflected within openHAB
  • I can modify my “switch” from within openHAB (ON, OFF), and this should be reflected within openWB

so basically a two-way sync.

Up until now, the only thing I got working is MQTT → openHAB, and only with the MAP transformation I mentioned.

Interestingly, I just re-created channel and item, and before altering the state within openWB, the new openHAB item showed OFF, which was the correct state. When I started modifying it within openWB, I get the former behaviour: ON/OFF for a fraction of a second, then NULL. So it seems to work openWB → openHAB, but the state is “overwritten” by NULL immediately.

Ah, when trying the other way (openHAB → openWB) and observing with MQTT Explorer:

  • if the value is 0 and clicking on the switch in openHAB, the value gets modified to 1, but the OH item stays OFF (icon) and NULL (text)
  • if the value is 1 and clicking on the switch in openHAB, the value stays 1 (but highlighted grey for a second in MQTT Explorer, so an update is sent), but openHAB shows OFF (icon) and NULL (text)

Strange, isn’t it?

  - id: MQTT_Thing_openWB_Spuelmaschine_Modus
    channelTypeUID: mqtt:switch
    label: "MQTT Thing openWB Spülmaschine: Manueller Modus"
    description: ""
      commandTopic: openWB/set/LegacySmartHome/config/set/Devices/2/mode
      qos: 1
      stateTopic: openWB/set/LegacySmartHome/config/set/Devices/2/mode
      off: "0"
      on: "1"
label: "MQTT Thing openWB Spülmaschine: Manueller Modus"
type: Switch
category: switch
groupNames: []
  - Point

OK, problem found: you shouldn’t use the same topic for get and set: command topic should be


and state topic should be
