Mqttitude gone since last update

You mean by the time owntracks stopped working properly (in MQTT mode) ? :wink:

The proper way to change OH docs is to clone the Github repo, make the changes and then to create a Pull Request. Did you do that ? You will find your open PRs listed in Github, so just issue a comment asking why there’s no progress. And if you selected some other method of submitting your changes that’s probably why the maintainers (seem to) ignore you.

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It was due to looking at the archive using WinZIP on Windows. It saw inside the KAR, but then did not know what to do with the .img it (thought?) it saw. Once I grabbed (wget) the KAR on my RPi and used unzip as you suggested, I was able to extract the JAR without issue.

Right, just when I got involved in HA, this OwnTracks integration is on the outs :wink: MQTTitude with MQTT is still pretty reliable (once I got it all configured properly). Fortunately, the migration to GPSTracker is going to be much easier that what I went through with MQTT and MQTTitude.

At the bottom of each openHAB documentation page is a link to the GitHub documentation:

Caught a mistake or want to contribute to the documentation? Edit this page on GitHub

I followed that link.
