Multiple Weather Underground bindings

Platform information:
-Hardware: RPi 3 B+ (March 2018)
-OS: openHABian 1.4.1
-openHAB version: openHAB 2.3.0~20180408143530-1 (Build #1252)

We’d like to show on our panel the forecast for two cities concurrently. We currently have Weather Underground working perfectly for our local weather.

Is it possible to add additional cities?

I add manually an additional Thing item for Weather Underground. Then I put in the API key and followed the same parameters I’m using for the main weather item. However, it just says INITIALIZING. It never turns to ONLINE.

Is this possible?

According to the weatherunderground binding docs this is not possible,
However, you may be able to use the weather binding that also can use the weatherunderground api. Although it is a legacy binding ( it has no things and can only be configured through a cfg file and manually defined items) it is quite powerful and has plenty of options. One of the options is several locations and even several and/or mixed apis per location.

BUT BEWARE of your weatherunderground API daily limit

It’s working now! I guess I just didn’t wait long enough.

Yes- I increased the refresh period and did a quick formula in Excel to make sure I didn’t exceed my limit of API calls per day.

Thanks! If I wind up ever exceeding my API limit I might look into the legacy binding. Maybe it would let me query multiple cities with fewer API calls.