My Z-Wave is borked

I sometimes get this behavior on any upgrade (I’m back on 3.2) although in my case, usually all my bindings are not restored. I just restart a time or two until they come back. I’m not sure that behavior is related to the recent configuration PR, but it could be


oh wow…
I tried this and most of my Z-Wave devices, except my Leviton devices, did this.
5 Somfy motorized shades
1 Honeywell thermostat
failed devices
1 Leviton dimmer
3 Leviton fan controllers

oh double wow
I validated the my shades and thermostat operated as expected when I tried to control them with OH.
So I thought, Why not bounce OH and see what happens?
all devices failed to initialize
resaving the shade and thermostat things brought them back online
The Leviton devices again failed to go online

Does the binding provide any way to do this? through the OH console?

I also had this problem (Error:Handler) with many, but not all ZWave devices.
Went to each device with an “issue” and saved and the device immediately displayed online.
Only 2 devices have “validation errors” - they keep having invalid config - will see how to correct that…

Not reliably, but I think you said above that you have already performed a hard reset on your controller - if so you will have already cleared out everything :wink:

Checking for out of bounds parameters might be a solution. If there are any it might not be saving.

I was just reporting all observations. I think it could just be the time to download a fresh set of bindings.

The other thing to check re: out of bounds parameters is to ensure you check the “advanced” box. A person recently had a problem getting the thing UI to save and found the parameter that was problematic was only visible with advanced.


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Please can you tell me what the device is.

A bit more testing.

If I disable and enable one of the devices that has the error on initialisation I get this.

I cannot see any issues with the parameters and saving again brings it online with no validation errors.

It looks like the validation is giving a false positive in this case but possibly not in the any that do not fix on save.

If I try to set bad configuration values from code page or UI for this device I get an error box as expected. If I then set the value back the device is stuck at initialising. Disabling, enabling and saving again fixes.

At the end this is not only a Zwave <Problem. It is hitting homematic as well

The parameter check is not working as expected.

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Please can we be specific when reporting these sort of issues so I can check what’s happening. I can guess that the default might not be consistent with the limits - or possibly the OH core checking isn’t working properly, but I need to somehow nail down an example. Preferably with a device that doesn’t have too many parameters.

Sorry @chris it was the Fibaro FGS223 node 2 on my test controller from the screenshot. All parameters are within bounds for this device but it does not initialise as expected but can be fixed by saving the thing configuration with no changes made.

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Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave thermostat

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Thanks Rob - so the within bounds, but the node doesn’t initialise after an OH start, but you save the thing, and it then starts - but no config (apparently) changes?

Strange. If this is the case then I guess there’s a bug in the core (which sounds likely if this issue is hitting other bindings as well).

Thanks for checking this - it saves me doing it which is appreciated :slight_smile:

The only devices that initialise as they should are my range extenders. Aeotec ZW189. They have no parameters.

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Thanks. This is a good device to check as it only has 4 parameters and I can confirm that the defaults are all within limits so the validation should pass I think.

It doesn’t look like this is a problem with ZWave binding in general - that’s not to say that with these extra checks we may not find some (with around 1200 devices in the database - something is bound to pop up :frowning: ) but at least for this device I think we can say it’s a core issue.

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Yes and no changes made and save brings them online.

I’ve opened an issue on this -:

I’m guessing it’s linked to this PR -: