myopenHAB Cloud Issues

We are currently looking into a issue with the myopenHAB cloud service being down, i’ll update here when i have more information.


The service is coming back. We had a DB server go into a zombie state (not dead, but not alive), i think the underlying hardware was having issues.


Sorry, we are still having issue, continuing to look.

I can confirm our service provider is having a hardware issue, hopefully this gets resolved soon.


Looks like we got migrated to some new hardware and the service is coming back up, lets hope it stays that way ! :crossed_fingers:


Website is reachable again, although very slow. Google home still showing offline.
Probably the server still coming up?

Looks like there are still issue with Linode, i’ll keep posting updates.


We are still waiting, I’ll update again soon.

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Update, Linode is telling me our DB instance is still queued for migration to a new host, but for now the existing host seems to be OK, so i have enable the service again. I would expect it to be slow for a bit, and when the migration happens/completes there probably is going to be a few periods of disconnects again for people, but it should recover on its own at this point. I’ll keep watching.


I have not received confirmation about our migration, but the server looks healthier and i see connections reestablished, so i’m assuming it was successful .

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FYI our instance is moving, so there will be some more downtime as this happens. Hopefully this will be back up in a few.


Thank you for your work Dan!

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Agree, really appreciated Dan!

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Thanks, working again for me. I had to reboot to get Alex’s voice commands to work, but all good now. BTW, it’s been really stable since the fix about a year ago.
Much appreciated, thanks.