by mistake I sent multiple times a long broadcast-message to my iPhone. Now when I want to check „Notifications“ within the ios app, I see only a blank screen - after a while I get a message saying: „Message couldn‘t be decoded“.
But when I take a look in my myOpenhab account, I can see that an empty message is sent every 5 minutes… The strange thing is that my phone just gives me a beep but no notification at all. It took my days to find out why my iPhone keeps me awake all night by beeping every 5 minutes. Here is a screenshot:
Notifications are sent by using one of the notification Actions in Rules. You appear to have a Rule running every five minutes sending a blank notification, based on the information provided thus far.
I already grepped all rules but there is no broadcast which triggers an empty message… It looks like that my old messages (which were too long) are still hanging in a queue which tries to deliver the message every 5 minutes…