Mysql Chart on openhab 1.8.1 display a line and Y Axis without value

openhab 1.8.1 running on a raspberry pi b+.
i’ve a sensor that populate correctly mysql db and a chart defined that result me only a strange line (if you see attached photo you can see that it’s not a red line, but it seem that need to be zoomed ?)

You can see that on Y axis there’s no value, only 0

If i try to open it respond me with same chart

Tried chrome, habdroid and firefox, no client related problem.

mysql.persist standard

No openhabdesigner error with red X.

sitemap :
Frame label=“D4-EnergyMonitor Casa” {
//Text item=Pippo label=“Tipico non disponibile su OpenHab” icon=“icon16x16”
Text item=D4WattsCasa
Text label=“Storico dei Consumi - Casa” icon=“chart”

Switch item=Energy_Chart_Period_Casa label="Grafico dei Consumi in Watts" mappings=[0="Ora", 1="Giorno", 2="Settimana", 3="Mese", 4="Anno"]
Chart item=Energy_Chart_Casa period=h refresh=300 visibility=[Energy_Chart_Period_Casa==0, Energy_Chart_Period_Casa=="Uninitialized"]  
Chart item=Energy_Chart_Casa period=D refresh=1800 visibility=[Energy_Chart_Period_Casa==1]  
Chart item=Energy_Chart_Casa period=W refresh=3600 visibility=[Energy_Chart_Period_Casa==2]  
Chart item=Energy_Chart_Casa period=M refresh=33600 visibility=[Energy_Chart_Period_Casa==3] 
Chart item=Energy_Chart_Casa period=Y refresh=60000 visibility=[Energy_Chart_Period_Casa==4] 


items :
Group Energy_Chart_Casa

Number D4WattsCasa “Consumo Attuale [%.1f W]” (grp1, gTechnicView_Node3,Energy_Chart_Casa) {souliss=“T57:3:2”}
Number Energy_Chart_Period_Casa “Grafico dell Energy Monitor di Casa”

Thanks for helping.

As there is a Line, it seems, that at least the chart gets valid data from mysql (otherwise the chart would be empty) so my 1st question is: is there any non-zero data in mysql at all?
If there is more than one item persisted in mysql, you can lookup the tablename for D4WattsCasa with

SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemName='D4WattsCasa';

of course from MySQL Prompt with database openhab (obviously)

THanks for reply,
Yes db is full of item and D4WattsCasa is regulary populated…

Switching on rrd4j it works immediately… Why?

Inviato da smartphone Samsung Galaxy.

-------- Messaggio originale --------
Da: Udo Hartmann
Data:11/03/2016 05:32 (GMT+01:00)
Oggetto: [openHAB] [Add-ons/Persistence Services] Mysql Chart on openhab 1.8.1
display a line and Y Axis without value


March 11
As there is a Line, it seems, that at least the chart gets valid data from mysql (otherwise the chart would be empty) so my 1st question is: is there any non-zero data in mysql at all?
If there is more than one item persisted in mysql, you can lookup the tablename for D4WattsCasa with

SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemName=‘D4WattsCasa’;
of course from MySQL Prompt with database openhab (obviously)

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Did you try to set service=“mysql” at the chart Item?

Chart item=Energy_Chart_Casa period=D refresh=1800 service="mysql" visibility=[Energy_Chart_Period_Casa==1]  
1 Like

Please note:

There is a bug in 1.8.1 and earlier for Chart widgets where specifying both a refresh time and the persistence service name would result in broken charts: this line would append &service=mysql to the end of the chart URL, but attempts to refresh the chart would lead to the Classic UI adding random digits to the end of the URL, turning the service name into something like mysql871. This bug won’t happen in 1.8.2 though.

Yes also il when i’ve tried there’s only mysql persistence installed (and default persistence)
Ok wait for 1.8.2 to retry…


Ouch! That’s a nasty one. Lucky, that I don’t need mysql for charting… :wink: