Hello again…
I face the next problem…
In a rule there should be a calculation:
Number Licht_Carport_Heute "Licht Osten diese Nacht Millisekunden"
global Variable:
var long Licht_Carport_start
if (Licht_Out_Eingang.state == ON) { // Licht Carport ist an
val long nowMsec = now.millis
if(Licht_Carport_start==null) Licht_Carport_start=now.millis
logInfo("On-Time", "Carport 1 " + Licht_Carport_start)
sendCommand(Licht_Carport_Heute,( (Licht_Carport_Heute.state as Number).longValue + (nowMsec - Licht_Carport_start)).longValue)
logInfo("On-Time", "Carport 2")
[INFO ] [lipse.smarthome.model.script.On-Time] - Carport 1 1481646887672
[INFO ] [lipse.smarthome.model.script.On-Time] - Carport 1a 1481646887672
[ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.ExecuteRuleJob] - Error during the execution of rule Licht Carport OnTime Display update: java.lang.Number
So it’s working till the calculation. Designer shows no error. It must be something with the Number conversion. Can anybody tell me, how to do it right?
In an other rule I store in Licht_Carport_start the now.millis, and in the above I calculate the time between it. It’s for the runtime of lights, pumps and so on.
The Licht_Carport_Heute contains the millis since last switch on of the corresponding item.
The logInfos are only for debugging to see how far the rule runs.
The rule was done with Licht_Carport_Heute as a global variable, but Rich told me to change it and use it as a Number -Item instead. This sound very nice as it can be persisted, but I now have the problem with the casting/conversion.
That isn’t quite what I said but it is a good approach.
What I said was to just store the Joda DateTime instead of the millis as a primitive long so you would initialize your global var with null to avoid the apparent problem with now not being available when global vars and vals are first initialized.
There is a difference between java.lang.Number, which is what the Rule’s DSL uses for all numerical values and the results of calculations unless explicitly told otherwise) and NumberItem which is the type of object that a Number defined in .items is.
What I actually suggested is something along the lines of:
var lightOnStart = null
rule "light turned on"
Item MyLight changed to ON
lightOnStart = now
rule "light turned off"
Item MyLight changed to OFF
rule "Periodically update LightRuntime"
Time cron "0 * * * * ?"
if(MyLight.state == ON) {
LightRuntime.postUpdate(now.millis - lightOnStart.millis)
No casting. No conversion. There should be no errors. I’m assuming your code fragment is in a rule that runs periodically so you can see your Licht_Carport_Heute update on the sitemap while the light is ON.
I think, I understand what you try to do: Store the DateTime in the global Variable, and the millis (interger) in the Number-Item, right?
But here:
the Designer says: The method or field millis is undefined for the type Object
The rule crashes here. (I did it with my Designators, but I’m pretty sure it’s like yours)
Also, in LightRuntime would only be the time (in millis) for one On-Period, but I need them for a whole day. So there must be a calculation with the Number-Item LightRuntime. eg:
LightRuntime = LightRuntime + (now.millis - lightOnStart.millis)
And then, there is the problem with the conversion again.
Do you see any solution here?
I have it working now. I will let it run over night and post the code.
Thanks for your help!
yes, and it needs the import:
import org.joda.time.DateTime
Because I moved the code I was working on to an extra rules file, it was missing
Yes, I know, this was meant as a “description” what has to be calulatet.
You’re right. I thought it’s clear because of the code. It’s the difference between what you think and what you write
One more question:
Your suggestion[quote=“rlkoshak, post:8, topic:18165”]
does not work here.
I put it in a rule which triggers every minute:
Where Licht_Balkon_Decke is the Switch and Balkon_Zeit is the Number-Item.
Designer says:
The method sumSince(DateTime) is undefined for the type SwitchItem
The rule doesn’t crash, but the state of Balkon_Zeit stays on 0.
The Switch-Item Licht_Balkon_Decke contains only ON and OFF, so is there anything to add over time?
I think this might work on a Number-Item or any Item containing Numbers, but on a switch-Item?
Switch items are usually stored in the database as 1 for ON and 0 for OFF. So if you store the state every minute and add up all the 1’s you will get the number of minutes ON
I might have the syntax wrong on sumSince. That’s the danger when replying from memory and typing on a phone.
They state, that sumSince is not working, but others like averageSince do work. I checked, it’s working.
So, I leave by now and go on with the working stuff…
Thanks Rich!
O.K., I think it’s working now. I made a Dummy-rule for measuring on-times (runtimes) of switches over a day. It can be used by using function “replace all” of the Designer.
these rules count the time an Item is switch on over a period of one day.
use: Replace all "Dummy" by own, meaningful keywords
Item-file must contain:
Number Dummy_today_hours
Number Dummy_yesterday_hours
Number Dummy_millis
rrd4j.persist must contain:
Dummy_today_hours : strategy = everyUpdate, everyMinute, everyChange, restoreOnStartup
Dummy_yesterday_hours : strategy = everyUpdate, everyMinute, everyChange, restoreOnStartup
Dummy_millis : strategy = everyUpdate, everyMinute, everyChange, restoreOnStartup
import org.joda.time.DateTime
/**************** global Variables ********************/
var DateTime Dummy_start = null
/********** Day/midday Change **********/
rule "Dummy Day change"
// The Value of "today" is stored in a Number to have it availeble as "yesterday"
// can be done at midnight (Valves, pumps, etc) or midday (lights, etc)
Time cron "0 0 0 1/1 * ? *" // midnight
// Time cron "0 0 12 1/1 * ? *" // midday
if (YourSwitchItem.state == ON) {
if(Dummy_start==null) Dummy_start = now
Dummy_millis.postUpdate (now.millis - Dummy_start.millis + (Dummy_millis.state as Number).longValue)
Dummy_today_hours.postUpdate ( (Dummy_millis.state as Number / 3600000.0).doubleValue)
Dummy_start = now
Dummy_yesterday_hours.postUpdate (Dummy_today_hours.state)
Dummy_today_hours.postUpdate (0)
Dummy_millis.postUpdate (0)
rule "Dummy start-stop"
Item YourSwitchItem changed
if (YourSwitchItem.state == ON) {
Dummy_start = now
else {
if(Dummy_start == null) Dummy_start = now
Dummy_millis.postUpdate (now.millis - Dummy_start.millis + (Dummy_millis.state as Number).longValue)
Dummy_today_hours.postUpdate ( (Dummy_millis.state as Number / 3600000.0).doubleValue)
rule "Dummy OnTime Display update"
Time cron "0 0/1 * 1/1 * ? *"
if (YourSwitchItem.state == ON) {
if(Dummy_start==null) Dummy_start = now
Dummy_millis.postUpdate (now.millis - Dummy_start.millis + (Dummy_millis.state as Number).longValue)
Dummy_today_hours.postUpdate ( (Dummy_millis.state as Number / 3600000.0).doubleValue)
Dummy_start = now
rule "Dummy Check if files exist"
System started
createTimer(now.plusMinutes(3)) [|
if (Dummy_millis.state == NULL) Dummy_millis.postUpdate (0)