NEEO Remote Binding/Transport

This seems promising: Been thinking of creating an addon for it…



I will add some pictures to make it more clear. In the control panel I have this

As you can see there’s an image cover visible.
In the neeo integration panel I have the below. Problem is I can only choose label or sensor but not image URL.

What am I missing?

Thanks for any help!

Unfortunately NEEO can’t handle raw images - it has to be a URL to somewhere (that’s why an Image URL can only be on string channels).

ok that’s clear but unfortunate ;).

Is it possible to have the controls (play,stop, pause,forward,reverse) display with the correct icons? I only get the circles icon for the buttons. Is there a way to simulate the macro’s like in tv devices for devices that you bring in from openhab?

Unfortunately no - that was on the feature request list of NEEO but was never implemented

thanks a lot for the reply! OK then I need to accept the limitations.

@tmrobert8 Have you had a chance to look at this to see why it’s not starting correctly?

I have not yet - sorry

I’ve opened to track this issue for resolution.

This is resolved in nightly 1655 and should get into 2.5.0M2 . Requires a restart after install. No more button on the main index, you must type /neeo/index.html to get to the config page.

For sure the project is moving very fast as they have prototypes. And contrarily to Neeo, YIO is open-source which will make the software supported by the community.
Has anyone started looking at YIO? On their site, OpenHAB integration is stated “In progress”. It might be wise to reuse what was developed for the NEEO…

@tmrobert8 Having a weird issue with binding lately. It seems that creation of buttons from string commands/switches no longer works.

I’m using multiple interfaces to control HDMI Switches, TVs and other home automation integrated devices through different bindings as Serial Binding, Sony Devices Binding, Harmony Binding etc.
But it seems that no matter how I try, I can’t pass commands to string items or create functional buttons(On/Off) from switches using NEEO integration.

I don’t think I’m doing anything different than before, and unsure if I’m missing anything with 2.5.0 addon, everything seems to work entering values manually from Paper UI Control section, and no response when doing the same using binding. There is nothing in the logs too, not even one single line, debug level set to TRACE.

All brains seem connected, and I can find and add devices through NEEO EUI.

Attaching screens.

Anyone having this issue, refrain from using NEEO EUI from web browser. Everything seems to work apart from buttons themselves. Stick to phone app or remote, problem solved.

Yes - each UI has it’s own set of issues. The EUI is by far the worst one of them all and buttons (along with a few other things) simply don’t work…

Has anyone found a replacement for the Neeo at this point? Mine work and do what I need, but I feel like they are going to break at some point and I won’t be able to replace them.

Check out

I got mine from a Kickstarter campaign, but it was limit to 150 devices as I remember. Maybe they create a bigger batch and it’s on sale at some point.

That’s awesome! Following the Yio. Please post if you see them open back up again!

For anyone who is trying to add Neeo to OH3, there seems to be a bug in the add brain functionality.

The bug specified above is now resolved. I have opened to fix another issue. If you don’t specify forwardChain="" in the thing config, it defaults to “true” instead of blank for some reason. Otherwise it looks like the remote works.

I want to configure an OpenHAB rule to turn off some lights (controlled by OpenHAB) when my projector (controlled by Neeo) turns on. I have tried by creating a Thing for the Projector and then an Item for the “POWER ON” macro found in the Projector Thing. But the rule is not triggered and I see nothing about projector or “POWER ON” in the log when I run the Neeo recipe. The only Neeo-related I see in the log is the forward action. Is that what I need to parse? Is that the best way of achieving my objective?