Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor PD02Z and previous models


I am more than happy to test specific issue on my sensors.

Can you elaborate a bit ?

  1. Sensor Type (Magnetic mount or 3 bracket)?
  2. Temperature support?
  3. Do you have the Sensor ID and firmware?

Hi Billias,

  1. It is the 3 bracket version
  2. No support
  3. See below

If you download the latest Snapshot 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT (

You should be able to use this device.
Can you link me to the post too?

Thank you

Note that this data is from the database - it’s not the data for your device.

Where can i find this information?

Hi Billias,

This should be the link: Neo Coolcam Motion Sensor PD01 problems

In the UI - look at the thing properties.

Hi Billias and Chris,

Sorry for the silly questions, i’m new to OH.

I’m noticing that the 108D isn’t always setting the switch to OFF after 120 seconds. Not sure why, since it seems to happen intermittently. I’ll try to do some debugging soon. Turning the switch ON seems to happen correctly.

@billias are you seeing something similar, perhaps?

@jphab Do you also have Habmin? if so you can click on Thing and under attributes you will see the Type / ID. I think there it shows the exact Device ID which can help us identify.

Do you know what version of Z-wave binding you run? 2.4.0? 2.5.0?
If you installed it from the UI then which version of openhab?

The type and ID and firmware version are shown in this image - zwave_deviceid and zwavedevicetype (note these are shown in decimal in PaperUI) - so this is 0003:1083, and firmware version is 3.97 (at the bottom of the image).

Form HABmin

I’m using the 2.4.0 binding (the stable release). Installed it from the Paper UI.

I didn’t klnow that.

Based on ID description i suspect this is 2.4.0 or not the latest 2.5.0.

Yes, i’m using 2.4.0 binding.

We haven’t made any changes for this device, which can impact it’s function on your version.

We will need some help to debug the device behaviour. Can you enable debug logging and upload your log in regards to this device?

Try 2-3 suggestions:

1.Enable PIR detections (parameter 4)
2. I see the parameter you posted and the instability. What is the param 8 value?
3. Also PARAM 5 is it correct?
4. To enable proper luminance reports I would suggest to set also param 9 to the luminance difference you want (I use a low value of 5)

DebugLOG.txt (11.4 KB)

This is a part of the log file. But if i click on the button to wake it up i doesn’t react any more. I will restart OH and send the logfile again.

does the led blink on wake up? if no then I suggest a heal and wakeup

parameter 4: set to enable - pending now
parameter 5: is set to 100 (default)
parameter 9: is set to 100 (default)

Param 9 can make sensor slower as it doesn’t update luminance, my values are more aggressive. but it is up to you to play around.
Param 5 is the threshold to enable the association triger

Do you have the device associated on a group?