I’m trying to get the Nest Binding to work on my OpenHAB implementation.
I’m using a container image pulled from DockerHub on 2024-12-30 14:55:20 openhab/openhab:latest. The image is running via a Portainer Stack on a Proxmox VM (Ubuntu 22.04) on a ProxMox host on a MiniPC. I’ve been running OpenHAB since around version 2.4 (assume many upgrades). There is definitely some complexity here, but I don’t think it’s related. Happy to dig in more here if folks suspect something specific needs to be configured here.
I’ve had a bunch of different Google Accounts throughout my journey. Last year I finally migrated away from Google Workspaces. I’d previously configured the Google Assistant binding (detail elude me and I didn’t document). At some point I configured that OpenHAB binding and it continued to work in my Google Home (i.e hey google turn off the lights in the kitchen). I’ve had Google Home installed with several accounts, and different accounts seem to have been owning different Google devices throughout my home (2x Google Home Mini, 1x Nest mini, and 1x Google Home speaker, 1x Chromecast Ultra, and a few other Chromecasts).
I’m skeptical of setting up the home automation with my existing “primary” Google Account, and so years ago I created a Google Account we will called I’ve destroyed all Google “Homes” and unlinked all services. I’ve create a new “Home” and I’ve factory reset all Google devices (Minis & Speaker) and now the account is the owner of the devices.
My intent is to use this account exclusively for this functionality.
I have set up a project in the Nest Device Access Console, and setup a Project in GCP (required to set up OAuth 2.0 Client IDs). I feel like I’ve followed the instructions to the nth degree of detail (although it does seem like some details are missing like [Do I need a “Production” OAuth consent screen for it to work, or just for tokens to last more than 2 weeks?] I’m current in Testing, but I’ve tried both Testing and Production.)
When I get to the
Create an authorization code for the binding:
My URL provides the following error:
No access to partner
Information could not be retrieved. Please contact Nest-OpenHAB-Project to verify that your account has been properly set up. You may need to add the developer email address as a home member in the Google Home app settings.
I’ve spent several hours deleting and re-creating everything in the Nest console and GCP console, and I’m consistently getting the same result. I read something about letting this synchronize on the Google end, and so, I’ve let it sit for almost 24 hours and I’m still getting the same error.
I’m just stumped. I’ve read and re-read the instructions several times, searched the community forms and google searched other forums. I can log into just fine using my Google Account (i.e. I don’t believe I have an old Nest account or anything like that).
Appreciate the help!