How would I graph the Home/Away status of my nest? I would like to see if it correlates to when we are really home or away
The simplest is to write a small rule that triggers on your home away item changing and post one or another numerical value to a Number item, and persist that item. Or use a Switch or Contact item instead, but that can only be charted under 1.8.3 or in 2.0 after this PR is included in a future release. The final possibility is to see if HABPanel’s charting can handle non-numeric values.
Or InfluxDB+Grafana…
According to the release notes of OH 2.3 with the latest Habpanel it should be possible.
However, I did not get it to work.
I have set 4 switches into a chart and nothting is displayed.
I also don’t find any setting for “simulate switches to number values” or such.
The automatic y-scale - however - already shows 0 to 1, but this might be the default value anyway.
Anyone who use this within habpanel already?