I purchased recently a Netatmo Weatherstation and tried to integrate it into my openHAB installation.
After creating the .things file and “setting it alive”, I get this error in the logs: ' netatmo:netatmoapi:home' changed from INITIALIZING to OFFLINE (COMMUNICATION_ERROR): Netatmo Access Failed, will retry in 5400 seconds.
After making sure that my .things file is correct, I looked into the source code.
There I find
// I use a connection to Netatmo API using PartnerAPI to ensure that API is reachable
I guess by this the API call https://dev.netatmo.com/api/getpartnerdevices is meant.
But this API is not supported by Netatmo any longer (https://dev.netatmo.com/apidocumentation) and does not work.
So from my point of view the bridge handler will never be created because of the call to the cancelled API and so the whole binding will not work.
i have the Netatmo Binding running under OH3 without any errors. Could you please provide some more information about your environment. So someone with a similar equipment could maybe answer.
I am still on openHAB 2.5.9 release.
Using Netatmo weather station (indoor and outdorr modules) and a rain gauage.
How long is your Netatmo binding up and running by now?
As I wrote I guess it is the /getpartnerdevices API. I tried by Postman calling it with a valid token, but got a 404 Not found error back.
Hello, I also have problems with the binding. I can create the “bridge”, but unfortunately that’s it.
The relay does not connect to the API and accordingly the thermostat remains offline.
Aha, but that could also be mentioned in the documentation.
I bought the Netatmo devices especially because the documentation says that everything is supported. Not cool!
Recent thermostat devices are no more supported because the Netatmo API fully changed for these devices.
Old devices are still supported.
I agree that it should be clearly mentioned in the documentation. I will submit a change.
Gael, the main author of this binding who owns a Netatmo thermostat, started to work on the new API during a short time before forgiving. Apparently the new Energy API would require a full redesign as the concepts are very different compared to the old Thermostat API.
At my knowledge, there is noone currently working on the integration of the Energy API in the binding. Volunteers are welcome.