Netatmo fails to send temperature commands to the thermostats

I realized quite recently (I believe after I upgraded OH from 4.2.1 to 4.2.2) that sending temperature change commands to the thermostats fail with the following error:

11:58:48.082 [WARN ] [l.handler.capability.EnergyCapability] - Error setting room thermostat mode 'MANUAL' : Rest call failed: statusCode=INVALID_ARGUMENT, message=Endtime in the past

This is the DEBUG output:

11:58:47.894 [DEBUG] [tmo.internal.handler.ApiBridgeHandler] - executeUri POST 

I tested the snapshot shared on this thread but it had the same results:

The Things are ONLINE and the Items receive information from the Thing channels.

I just restored OH to 4.2.1 and it has the same problem.

Can you please file a bug report in gihub ?

Hi, @glhopital.
Here you go: [Netatmo] Error when sending temperature commands to the thermostats · Issue #17585 · openhab/openhab-addons · GitHub

PR pushed

Thanks a lot for your prompt support, @glhopital. As always, that’s an awesome job!

Hi, @glhopital.

It seems like the PR has a pending request. FYI.

Best regards

Hi, @glhopital and @lsiepel.

I managed to compile and install the binding on OH 4.2.1. The thermostats are receiving the commands once again.

Thanks for your great support!

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Hi again, @glhopital .

I discovered a related problem. When I send a manual temperature update to the thermostats, the binding somehow sends a setpoint duration of 2 hours, not the one in the energy#setpoint-duration channel. I set the “default time of manual setpoints” to 12 hours (43200 s) on the Netatmo app. The channel correctly reports the time set on the app, although it doesn’t seem to update it, meaning, if I update the time on the Netatmo app, the channel still reports the old value, even after hours of having applied the change. I had to restart the Home thing to have it updated. Anyway, that’s not a big deal. The problem is the 2 hour setpoint instead of the one in the channel.

Should I create a new bug?

Yes, please do. I’ll investigate this.


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I just compiled a snapshot and successfully tested it.
Thanks once again, @glhopital and @lsiepel!

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