@Skinah, many thanks for your reply!
To have some wiki-like entry for novices like me, I would like to summarise - please correct me if I am wrong.
- If you want to use the binding of this thread “Ambient Weather WS-1400IP weather station”, use IpObserver Binding. That’s the maintained successor of this binding.
- This IpObserver Binding fetches the data from your local gateways web interface.
- The Ambient Weather Binding has a quite similar name, but works very differently: it fetches the data from the ambientweather dot net cloud service. No possibility to fetch the data locally.
- Ambient Weather ObserverIP Module is the name for a (hardware) gateway of Ambient Weather. Don’t mix it up with the naming of the bindings.
- A quite interesting but not yet released binding, which can receive data from gateways via http GET, can be found here: [webhook] New, very simple binding for listening incomming http requests
Hope this gives a better overview.