New binding available: SolarEdge binding

@AlexF Awesome, it seems to be working now, at least the live data. Thank you!

2017-11-11 20:14:03.347 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Handling channel update.
2017-11-11 20:14:03.352 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#consumption: 1.88
2017-11-11 20:14:03.363 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#import: 1.88
2017-11-11 20:14:03.369 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#export: 0.0
2017-11-11 20:14:03.373 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#production: 0.0
2017-11-11 20:14:03.381 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#load_status: Active
2017-11-11 20:14:03.388 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#battery_charge: 0.0
2017-11-11 20:14:03.393 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#pv_status: Idle
2017-11-11 20:14:03.400 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#grid_status: Active

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case for the aggregate data. Anything you can do about that? There are no channel updates for those.

@neilf I download the latest compiled version from there:

As posted already before:

I have made another fix so wait a few minutes until the latest version is available

The latest Version which was built after 8pm should also contain fies for the Aggregate data.

Awesome, it’s working. Thanks a lot!

One quick (hopefully) question, how, if at all possible, do I change from daily to weekly / monthly / yearly aggregate data?


@AlexF YES. With the new version i now see the daily production and tomorrow with the sun i hope i will see the live data.
Thank you so much.

@sirpreis from now on you can use persistence service if you like

i will keep using the solaredge site for past years comparisons etc, but will also use persistence to gather data from now on :slight_smile:

@ngalfas: If your setup is similar to the one that @philipsduff has installed I guess there are additional adoptions necessary to get the live data working.

@sirpreis: Currently you cannot switch to weekly/monthly/yearly stats. I will add those channels in a later version.

1 Like

yeap, i only have the daily aggregate.

@ngalfas and @philipsduff please try the latest version. It Supports aus legal Mode wich can bei activated in the configuration.

Ok, i downloaded a new version, i saw the Legacy mode option on Paper UI. I switched it on.

For testing purposes i added these items
2017-11-13 19:55:47.112 [INFO ] [el.core.internal.ModelRepositoryImpl] - Refreshing model 'solaredge.items’
2017-11-13 19:55:47.166 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link ‘Solaredge_Daily_Production-solaredge:generic:55ba96b3:aggregate#production’ has been added.
2017-11-13 19:55:47.170 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link ‘Solaredge_live_Production-solaredge:generic:55ba96b3:live#production’ has been added.
2017-11-13 19:55:47.174 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link ‘Solaredge_live_pvstatus-solaredge:generic:55ba96b3:live#pv_status’ has been added.
2017-11-13 19:55:47.178 [ItemChannelLinkAddedEvent ] - Link ‘Solaredge_live_gridstatus-solaredge:generic:55ba96b3:live#grid_status’ has been added.

These were the only items showing updates
2017-11-13 19:56:41.428 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_Daily_Production changed from NULL to 17.537
2017-11-13 19:56:41.561 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_live_Production changed from NULL to 0.0

Now it’s night so there is no live production, zero is acceptable. Do you think i will see live production tomorrow?

@ngalfas: In legacy mode the live data allows only one single metric: production. The daily aggregate values should be available in general but most likely your setup provides only the aggregate production. This binding cannot provide more data than the solaredge app / website does.

ngedEvent ] - Solaredge_Daily_Production changed from 9.294 to 9.426
2017-11-14 14:35:33.993 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_live_Production changed from 889 to 1
2017-11-14 14:45:33.802 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_Daily_Production changed from 9.426 to 9.601
2017-11-14 14:45:34.045 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_live_Production changed from 1 to 967
2017-11-14 14:55:34.198 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_Daily_Production changed from 9.601 to 9.736
2017-11-14 14:55:34.330 [ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Solaredge_live_Production changed from 967 to 740

Got live production! Yeah :slight_smile:

@sirpreis: Check out the latest version (just pushed a minute ago) which now contains all aggregation levels. Therefore existing aggregate channels have been renamed slightly so configuration must be adopted.

Data retrieval is now performed by different jobs for live and aggregate data which means data is retrieved in different intervals as the aggregate data does not need to be updated so often.

Very nice! Now I will have to work out how to make a nice table in HABpanel to display it! :sunny:

Be warned. For the new channels to appear, you should delete the item, if you install through Paper UI like i do. For the items/channel internal database to be able to read the new channels.

If you use the .items config file there is no such need i think.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong. I downloaded the latest version, but it seems to not be working.

2017-11-16 15:25:09.266 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: aggregate#selfConsumptionForConsumption: 0.384
2017-11-16 15:25:09.269 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: aggregate#export: 0.0
2017-11-16 15:25:09.272 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: aggregate#production: 0.384
2017-11-16 15:25:09.276 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: aggregate#consumption: 14.098
2017-11-16 15:25:09.278 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: aggregate#import: 13.714
2017-11-16 15:25:09.280 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: aggregate#selfConsumptionCoverage: 2.7237907

I have two items (with new names):

Number      WR_Aggregate_Day_Production  "Tagesproduktion" {channel="solaredge:generic:se3000:aggregate_day#production"}
Number      WR_Aggregate_Day_Consumption  "Tagesverbrauch"  {channel="solaredge:generic:se3000:aggregate_day#consumption"}

Restarted openHab, rebootet the device. Still not getting the new data. What am I doing wrong?

It seems that - however - still the old version of the binding is being used. The log shows the old channel names aggregate#… which do not exist anymore. Please try the following:

  1. Remove the binding
  2. Restart openhab
  3. Install the new version

Thanks Alex, I was facing that issue and I now I am able to see the new channels. I just want to add that in my case, as the thing was added using PaperUI, I had to delete it manually from console. After that, everything worked.

Apart from, that I would like to point a possible issue. I think the live figure is rounded. Please see screenshot.

@ngalfas, are you getting the same?

Thank you.

Best regards.

It’s now working for me as well, thank you.

@philipsduff I don’t seem to be getting the rounded number issue.

2017-11-17 15:38:37.078 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#production: 0.07

Hi @sirpreis,

Right now, I am getting same as you.
15:26:10.334 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Handling channel update.
15:26:10.334 [DEBUG] [laredge.handler.SolarEdgeBaseHandler] - Channel is to be updated: live#production: 0.09

So, I assume that the mentioned issue appears when the live production is higher than 100W or 1KW.

May I request you to check it in the morning or when the production is higher than those values, please?

Thank you.

Best regards.