New binding for Aten HDMI Matrix Switches: useful?

Dear openHAB community.

For a private project I had to integrate a HDMI matrix switch from Aten into openHAB. Those switches have a well described interface for telnet and serial console (ATEN Video Matrix Switches ) but there was no binding available so far.

The requirement was to change input sources for the different outputs or mute audio / blank video using openHAB visu or KNX sensors. As I could see, others have created workarounds with serial- or network bindings for similar hardware but that looked all a little bit cumbersome for me.

I’ve used that case now to learn about developing new bindings for openHAB and I have implemented a binding for the Aten HDMI switches. It’s focusing on my use case but with only little effort I could implement the remaining functions provided by the CLI protocol.

The question is now, is this something others might also need and what has a chance to get accepted with a pull request as an official binding?

I’m new here and I appreciate any feedback :wink:

Just open a Pull Request to get your binding reviewed and merged.

I have created a release tag for openhab 4.0.0 of that binding if someone would like to have a look into it.