New Binding: Wunderground Update Reciever

If you have a weatherstation or some such that submits meaurements to the update url and want to capture those measurements for use in OH3, then for you this binding is useful. If the weather station’s submission target host is configurable or you are able to control dns resolution for the weather station, you can point it at the servlet this binding exposes and submissions will be recorded by openhab. A simple rule script can be used to retransmit the measurements to the real update site while you can use the realtime measuments to control things such as awnings or windows based on environmental conditions.

There is a preview jar at Index of libs-pullrequest-local/org/openhab/addons/bundles/org.openhab.binding.wundergroundupdatereceiver/3.1.0-SNAPSHOT.

Hi @danieldemus,
If installed the snapshot and configured the weather station as described in the README.
It works great.
I do need to make the script to retransmit tho wunderground.
I don’t see channels for the calculated values as dewpoint and windchill.
Are the planned for the release version?

Hi @danieldemus,
I’m also using your 3.2.0 binding and it works like a charm with my brand new WH2650 weather station.
Have you any news about an offical release version?

Hallo Simon,

ich schreib hier mal schnell frech auf deutsch.
Ich war gerade am googeln über das Thema “Beckhoff Twincat 3 Anbindung an OpenHAB3” und bin auf diesen Post von dir gestoßen.

Ich weiß nicht, ob du noch hier aktiv bist, eventuell ließt du das hier auch gar nicht, aber ich muss es einfach probieren.

Ich habe mein eigenes Hausbau-Projekt gerade vor mir und würde gerne eine Beckhoff PLC darin verwenden mit TwinCat 3 und einer Anbindung an OpenHAB 3, das ich als Docker auf einer Qnap laufen lasse.

Könnte wir uns über diese Thema unterhalten? Wie hast du dies realisiert, noch immer so wie bei deinem Post von 2018?

Ich bin im diesem Bereich noch Anfänger, habe aber starkes Interesse, da mir OpenHAB sehr zusagt.

Es wäre fantastisch von dir zu hören, da ich im Gefühl habe, dass du genau mein Mann dafür bist :smiley:

Liebe Grüße


English please, this is an international community!

I have started to use this binding. It connect without any issue now. Many thanks. I have just some small comments:
Would be good if the readme will be avaiable and usuable. It took some time till I have found out the right settings:

Pls check configuation of “Metadata last query trigger” channel. I have added it as a string but no default settings.
Rain is in meter instead of mm (milimeter). As it is rounded up to 2 digits it is impossible to show actual rain data. Is that possible to change it to mm?

Hmm. The problem here is that the unit is specified as %unit%, so users get there expected (though unexpected) unit. I haven’t found a facility to specify a %unit% that is not the base unit (ie. meters or feet or yards).
I was enlightened by another user that you can change the unit by adding a State description metadata on the item the channel is linked to with a velue like “%.2f mm”.

I removed my post above because I realized I could not find the add on because I had to update to openhab 3.3 before I could see the add on. Earlier I was running 3.2

Now I have the binding installed but something must have gone wrong as there is no updateweatherstation.php file on the system

Am I missing some steps?

There is no file. You just need to point your weatherstation at the openhab server as illustrated in New Binding: Wunderground Update Reciever - #6 by kovacsi2899. The php file is what weatherunderground uses and at least in my station can’t be changed, so the binding listens on that path.

Hi @danieldemus,

I have a problem using the binding, maybe you can help me? Most of the channels are working, but with some (namely winddir, tempf, baromin and lowbatt) I get errors in the log: “Channel type wundergroundupdatereceiver:[channel type ID] could not be resolved.”
As channel type ID I used the ones mentioned in the binding documentation. After checking the source code I can see that the problematic channels use the default system type UIDs, whereas the working ones declare new UIDs. I also updated the type IDs to the correct systems IDs (e.g. temperature → outdoor-temperature). Maybe I just use a wrong syntax in the things file, but I can find no examples on how it should look like. The syntax of lowbatt (“system:low-battery”) gives me a complete syntax error, same with “system.low-battery”.
This is my things file:

Thing wundergroundupdatereceiver:wundergroundUpdateReceiver:Wetterstation "Wetterstation Garten" [stationId="x"] {
        Type wind-direction : winddir []
        Type wind-speed : windspeedmph []
        Type wind-gust-speed : windgustmph []
        Type wind-chill : windchillf []
        Type dew-point : dewptf []
        Type outdoor-temperature : tempf []
        Type indoor-temperature : indoortempf []
        Type rain-daily : dailyrainin []
        Type solarradiation : solarradiation []
        Type uv : UV []
        Type humidity : humidity []
        Type indoor-humidity : indoorhumidity []
        Type barometric-pressure : baromin []
        Type dateutc : dateutc []
        Type softwaretype : softwaretype []
        Type realtime-frequency : rtfreq []
        Type low-battery : lowbatt []
        Type dateutc-datetime : dateutc-datetime []
        Type last-received-datetime : last-received-datetime []
        Type last-query-state : last-query-state []
        Type last-query-trigger : last-query-trigger []


Firstly; kudos to the dev’s of the Wunderground Update Receiver binding for all the work they put in creating this binding.
Secondly; unfortunately I have some trouble with the binding in combination with my Renkforce (FineOffset) WH2600 weatherstation and the ObserverIP ethernetbridge. I noticed that the all the rain related values are not being updated. In the web interface of the ObserverIp I can see the values being updated, in the openHab logs I can see that openhab actually receives the data send by the ObserverIp, but the binding doesn’t seem to update the rain related channels. I don’t see any rain channel related messages in the debuglog pointing to an error or something. So I’m a bit at a loss here and I’m hoping somebody on this forum can maybe point me to a solution…

Thanx and best regards,

Thanks a lot for the development work on this binding.
I am successfully using it with a dnt WiFi-Wetterstation WeatherScreen PRO.

The only thing I am struggling with is the proper textual definition for the Thing (I am trying to use textual definitions for everything). Same items like @Yanai did not work for me.
barometric-pressure and outdoor-temperature for example create the following errors:

Errors from log
2024-01-16 20:55:49.061 [ERROR] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Channel type wundergroundupdatereceiver:outdoor-temperature could not be resolved.
2024-01-16 20:55:49.062 [ERROR] [.thing.internal.GenericThingProvider] - Channel type wundergroundupdatereceiver:barometric-pressure could not be resolved.

The channel-Id’s as described in the documentation do not work for temperature (outdoor temperature), baromin and absbaromin (barometric pressure) and lowbatt (system:low-battery).
Anyhow outdoor temperature works with channel-Id indoor-temperature and the other three I used last-query-state as most close equivalent.

So my thing definition looks like:

// Weather Underground
Thing wundergroundupdatereceiver:wundergroundUpdateReceiver:WUstationid "Wetterstation lokal" [stationId="WUstationid"] {
        Type indoor-temperature : tempf []
        Type indoor-temperature : indoortempf []
        Type last-query-state : baromin []
        Type last-query-state : absbaromin []
        Type humidity : humidity []
        Type indoor-humidity : indoorhumidity []
        Type dew-point : dewptf []
        Type wind-chill : windchillf []
        Type wind-speed : windspeedmph []
        Type wind-gust-speed : windgustmph []
        Type wind-direction-avg-2min : winddir []
        Type rain : rainin []
        Type rain-daily : dailyrainin []
        Type rain-weekly : weeklyrainin []
        Type rain-monthly : monthlyrainin []
        Type rain-yearly : yearlyrainin []
        Type solarradiation : solarradiation []
        Type uv : UV []
        Type dateutc : dateutc []
        Type dateutc-datetime : dateutc-datetime []
        Type last-received-datetime : last-received-datetime []
        Type last-query-state : last-query-state []
        Type last-query-trigger : last-query-trigger []
        Type softwaretype : softwaretype []
        Type realtime-frequency : rtfreq []
        Type last-query-state : lowbatt []

I probably should note that I am on version 4.0.3 of Openhabian running on a PI4.

If someome knows how to properly set up the thing I would very much appreciate help.
Otherwise I leave it working as is. The values are coming in correctly together with the units.

Best regards