New Bindung: CP750

Are there any other cinema technicians or professional home theater operators here? They might be happy about my new

CP750 Binding

This binding is intended to connect to a Dolby Digital Cinema Processor CP750.

It uses ASCII commands send over a TCP connection on port 61408. Please note that the CP750 only accepts up to 20 simultaneous connection and will discard the oldest connection if a 21st connection is established. So be sure to grateful shutdown each connection using the client’s close() method, or it’s AutoCloseable functionality.

This binding wraps the CP750 Java library from GitHub - Cybso/cp750-java: A CP750 client library written in Java.

This project is NOT affiliated with, funded, or in any way associated with Dolby Laboratories, Inc.

Currently, only Fader, Mute and Input Mode channels are implemented.

Supported Things

  • cp750

Thing Configuration

Normally, only the hostname or IP address must be configured.

sample Thing Configuration

Name Type Description Default Required Advanced
hostname text Hostname or IP address of the device N/A yes no
port integer TCP port if different from 61408 61408 no no
refreshInterval integer Interval the device is polled in sec. 5 no no
reconnectInterval integer Interval a new connection is tried after IO error 10 no no


Here you should provide information about available channel types, what their meaning is and how they can be used.

Note that it is planned to generate some part of this based on the XML files within src/main/resources/OH-INF/thing of your binding.

Channel Type Read/Write Description
version Switch R Version as reported by the device
fader Dimmer RW Fader value (0 to 100)
mute Switch RW Mute (ON or OFF)
input String RW Input channel as string (one of “analog”, “dig-1”, “dig-2”, “dig-3”, “dig-4”, “non-sync” or “mic”)
analog Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘analog’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.
dig1 Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘dig-1’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.
dig2 Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘dig-2’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.
dig3 Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘dig-3’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.
dig4 Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘dig-4’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.
nonsync Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘non-sync’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.
mic Switch RW Is ON if input mode is ‘mic’. When an ON command is retrieved, input mode will be changed to this channel.


