New Jeelink Openhab2 Binding

From time to time (after aout 10 days) the binding item’s values do not change anymore. I have two temperature/humidity sensors. for both of them them temperature and humidity doesn’t change anymore. There are item updatesevery minute, but always the same value is set.

Obviously the values sent by the sensors are not propagated correctly.

This is the trace-log:
21:02:29.484 [DEBUG] [sse.LaCrosseTemperatureSensorHandler] - updating states for thing Außenbereich (4): temp=13.9 (13.899861), humidity=89, batteryNew=false, batteryLow=false

These are the old values. The display of the sensor shows different values.

Restarting the binding resolves the problem… but it occurs again and again after a couple of days.