New Netatmo binding (starting OH 3.3 M5)

For me it broke this mornign again. Receiving again:

2023-04-27 09:32:55.581 [INFO ] [andler.capability.SecurityCapability] - Monitoring changes can only be done on local camera.
2023-04-27 09:32:55.585 [INFO ] [andler.capability.SecurityCapability] - Monitoring changes can only be done on local camera.

Because of reasons I just cannot understand my Node.js implementation is working now. This failed to set the state beforehand…

It failed again yesterday. I’m not able to control the monitoring property anymore via openhab. Works well through the Netatmo app though.

Hi - I have the same issue. Did you find a solution? I searched but can’t seem to identify what has caused this.


It started working again yesterday without any changes. I have no clue why this happens unfortunately.

Hello there,

unfortunatly I have an Issue with the Binding.

Yesterday I found out, that it stopped working. Untill then I have not made any changes to the settings, so I can´t figure out what happend.
To fix the problem I have generated a new secret and a new refresh token and inserted these in the bindings settings. Still it doesn´t work.

I get the following error: Unexpected error deserializing ‘{“error”:“invalid_request”,“error_description”:“Scope is not identical as the one granted by the user”}’

A few weeks ago I received a mail saying the tokens can expire.

Does anybody have an idea how I can get reconnected.

The Binding has the versionnumber 3.3.0. I am only using the weatherstation.


You need to upgrade to 3.4, see:

Thanks for quick reply.

Maybe it is because I´m new to this system, but I can´t find the jar-file or comparable. Is there any?
I forgot to mention that I run OH on a Synology Nas and I am only experienced in installing bindings via the UI or by adding the jar-file into the addons-folder.

If you upgrade openHAB itself to 3.4 which is currently the latest (and best) version, you will automatically have the binding upgraded as well without manually installing a JAR. And welcome to openHAB! :slight_smile:

Thanks. OH is pretty complex and sometimes confusing. But I guess I step by step get deeper into it. Some of my needs allready work well.

The Upgrade worked well and I got the binding in version 3.4.4. Unfortunatly the bridge still won´t work and gives me this error: "Configuration incomplete, please grant the binding to Netatmo Connect. ".

Where is my mistake? EDIT: Found it!

Hi Fabian,
looks like I am enjoying the same error. Netatmo stopped working, Installed the Bridge new, but now cant make it work, receiving the same error as you did.
Any hints where to look at?
kind regards

I forgot one of the steps mentioned in the description for the config:

  • The bridge thing will go OFFLINE / CONFIGURATION_ERROR - this is fine. You have to authorize this bridge with Netatmo Connect.
  • Go to the authorization page of your server. http://<your openHAB address>:8080/netatmo/connect/<_CLIENT_ID_> . Your newly added bridge should be listed there (no need for you to expose your openHAB server outside your local network for this).

Hi! I don’t know, I might do something really stupid or am missing something but…
I have been trying to upgrade to 3.4 for the last two days, and trying to move to the new Netatmo binding. I install the binding, since I have used .things-files before, I setup a new bridge according to the instructions and I register as is supposed. The bridge goes online but after a while it goes offline with a

Bad Request

I try again to register but now it says

Requested content not found.

When I go into the settings fo the Bridge there is no “Show advanced” tickbox so there is no way to delete erroneous tokens as some have suggested.

I have tried with my old installation and also on a totally new OpenHABian setup.

I also tried to setup a Bridge using GUI which worked for a while, then, when I changed the label of it, it broke and now I can’t get it to work again.

Not sure how to proceed now.

Addiotion. Finally managed to remeber how to change log-level…

2023-06-22 18:07:18.537 [DEBUG] [mo.internal.handler.ApiBridgeHandler] - Initializing Netatmo API bridge handler.
2023-06-22 18:07:18.538 [DEBUG] [mo.internal.handler.ApiBridgeHandler] - Connecting to Netatmo API.
2023-06-22 18:07:18.654 [DEBUG] [mo.internal.handler.ApiBridgeHandler] - Error deserializing payload from error response
org.openhab.binding.netatmo.internal.api.NetatmoException: Unexpected error deserializing '{"error":"invalid_grant"}'

Just to be sure: Are you on 3.4.0 (release version) or 3.4.4 (latest hotfix)?

I am on 3.4.4

Okay, this confirms that the version you are using supports the new OAuth2 requirements.

The log output above is caused by a bug in the binding’s error handling.

To remove your token, you can delete the file(s) OPENHAB_USERDATA/netatmo/refreshToken_*, for example in openHABian for a bridge called home: /var/lib/openhab/netatmo/refreshToken_netatmo_account_home.

After deleting this, you can reauthorize as described in the documentation. This works at least for some cases of “Bad Request”.

FYI, in 4.0 the OAuth2 implementation has changed:

So just be aware that you need to reauthorize again when upgrading to 4.0. The good news is that the new implementation uses the standard OAuth2 implementation in openHAB, and you no longer need this custom token file. I believe the “Bad Request” issue is fixed, and I’m also hoping for this to be fixed:

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Thanks a lot @laursen , not sure if this will take me the whole way but at least I know how to proceed.

Same issue. has this ever been solved ? can’t find an answer in this Thread

I use now OH 3.4.4 and have no problems

Same here, I’m on OH3.4.4 and the binding has been stable for more than 2 weeks now.

Having the same issue on OH 4.0.0 M4.