New Z-Wave Database Entry Needed for Minoston (AGAIN)

Hey all I am trying to add a new miniplug to my OpenHab configuration and it’s not found in the zwave database.

Manufacturer: Minoston
Model: MP21Z


Z-Wave Node 026

Unknown Device

This device has not been fully discovered by the binding. There are a few possible reasons for this -:

  • The device is not in the database. If the device attributes show that this device has a valid manufacturer ID, device ID and type, then this is likely the case (eg. you see a label like “Z-Wave node 1 (0082:6015:020D::2.0)”). Even if the device appears to be in the database, some manufacturers use multiple sets of references for different regions or versions, and your device references may not be in the database. In either case, the database must be updated and you should raise an issue to get this addressed.
  • The device initialisation is not complete. Once the device is included into the network, the binding must interrogate it to find out what type of device it is. One part of this process is to get the manufacturer information required to identify the device, and until this is done, the device will remain unknown. For mains powered devices, this will occur quickly, however for battery devices the device must be woken up a number of times to allow the discovery phase to complete. This must be performed with the device close to the controller.

Status: ONLINE


zwave_beaming true
zwave_class_basic BASIC_TYPE_ROUTING_SLAVE
zwave_class_generic GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
zwave_deviceid 65292
zwave_devicetype 65280
zwave_frequent false
zwave_listening true
zwave_manufacturer 786
zwave_nodeid 26
zwave_plus_devicetype NODE_TYPE_ZWAVEPLUS_NODE
zwave_plus_roletype ROLE_TYPE_SLAVE_ALWAYS_ON
zwave_routing true
zwave_secure false
zwave_version 1.0

@chris if you can add or someone else that would be great. I don’t think I have access to add anything to the database.

So it is a community updated database, so unless you have pictures of @chris in a compromising position, the instructions to get access are also on the website…

However, on quick glance the device does appear to be in the database. Maybe the second option is the issue?



Or the other possibility which I think is more likely given that the device does seem to have been fully detected (based on the properties) is that you (@rangeli) are using an older version of OH - possibly OH2, or OH3.0 since it’s unclear what version is used?

Hey all. Thanks for the quick reply. I am running OH 2.5.1. I checked the database but I didn’t see one for the manufacturer I listed. I don’t exactly understand how the lookup works, but I assume it’s using a combination of:

Property Value
zwave_deviceid 65292
zwave_devicetype 65280
zwave_manufacturer 786

I do see an entry for Manufacturer [0312] NIE Technology (model MP21Z). This shows a tag of 2.5.11… I may need to upgrade, something I dread…

Thanks again!

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Yep - that is your device. 0x312 (ie hexadecimal) = 786 decimal. If you are using OH 2.5.1, then it will simply not be available.

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