Newbie: sitemaps created but not appear

Hi, I’m trying to migrate from domoticz and I’m impressed with the possibilities and the community behind openhab, although it is somewhat difficult to configure since I do not know much about programming.
I am trying to configure astrobinding through the examples on this page:

But I can not get the elements of the sitemap in the Basic UI, the name of the file appears but when you press nothing appears.

I hope you can help me, greetings and thanks

Please show the file (plus file name) you created. Please use code fences (3 backticks before and after code):


Your code goes here.


Group Astro <sun_clouds> (W66a)

DateTime    Current_DateTime     "Today [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]"                <clock>  (Astro) {channel="ntp:ntp:local:dateTime"}
DateTime    Sunset_Time          "Sunset [%1$tH:%1$tM]"                            <sun>    (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:home:set#start"}
DateTime    Sunrise_Time         "Sunrise [%1$tH:%1$tM]"                           <sun>    (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:home:rise#end"}
DateTime    Evening_Time         "Evening [%1$tH:%1$tM]"                                    (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:minus90:set#start"}
String      Day_Phase            "Phase of Day [MAP(]"                         (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:home:phase#name"}
Switch      Night_State          "Night"                                                    (Astro)
String      Season_Name          "Season [MAP(]"                               (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:home:season#name"}
String      Zodiac_Sign          "Zodiac [MAP(]"                      <zodiac> (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:home:zodiac#sign"}
Number      Sun_Elevation        "Sun Elevation [%.1f °]"                          <sun>    (Astro) {channel="astro:sun:home:position#elevation"}
Number      Moon_Elevation       "Moon Elevation [%.1f °]"                         <moon>   (Astro) {channel="astro:moon:home:position#elevation"}
String      Moon_Phase           "Moon Phase [MAP(]"                  <moon>   (Astro) {channel="astro:moon:home:phase#name"}
DateTime    Moon_Next_Full       "Next Full Moon [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM]" <moon>   (Astro) {channel="astro:moon:home:phase#full"}
DateTime    Moon_Next_New        "Next New Moon [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY, %1$tH:%1$tM]"  <moon>   (Astro) {channel="astro:moon:home:phase#new"}


Text item=Current_DateTime label="Weather and Astro [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" icon="sun_clouds" {
            Frame label="Now" {
                //Switch item=Night_State label="Phase of Day" mappings=[OFF="Tag", ON="Nacht"]
                Text item=Day_Phase icon="sunmoon"
                Text item=Sunrise_Time icon="sunrise" visibility=[Night_State == ON]
                Text item=Sunset_Time icon="sunset" visibility=[Night_State == OFF]
                Text item=Sun_Elevation icon="sunmoon" visibility=[Sun_Elevation > 0]
                Text item=Moon_Elevation icon="sunmoon" visibility=[Moon_Elevation > 0]
                Text item=Zodiac_Sign icon="zodiac"
                Text item=Moon_Phase
                Text item=Moon_Next_Full icon="fullmoon"
                    visibility=[Moon_Phase == WAXING_CRESCENT,
                        Moon_Phase == FIRST_QUARTER,
                        Moon_Phase == WAXING_GIBBOUS,
                        Moon_Phase == FULL]
                Text item=Moon_Next_New icon="fullmoon"
                    visibility=[Moon_Phase == WANING_GIBBOUS,
                        Moon_Phase == THIRD_QUARTER,
                        Moon_Phase == WANING_CRESCENT,
                        Moon_Phase == NEW]
            Frame label="Forecast" {
                Text label="This is part of other tutorials..." icon="sun_clouds"

And the .map file to the translations

ARIES=♈ Widder
TAURUS=♉ Stier
GEMINI=♊ Zwilling
CANCER=♋ Krebs
LEO=♌ Löwe
VIRGO=♍ Jungfrau
LIBRA=♎ Waage
SCORPIO=♏ Skorpion
CAPRICORN=♑ Steinbock
AQUARIUS=♒ Wassermann
PISCES=♓ Fisch


ASTRO_DAWN=astronomische Morgendämmerung
NAUTIC_DAWN=nautische Morgendämmerung
CIVIL_DAWN=zivile Morgendämmerung
CIVIL_DUSK=zivile Abenddämmerung
NAUTIC_DUSK=nautische Abenddämmerung
ASTRO_DUSK=astronomische Abenddämmerung

NEW=🌑 Neumond
WAXING_CRESCENT=🌑→🌓 zunehmender Halbmond
FIRST_QUARTER=🌓 erstes Viertel
WAXING_GIBBOUS=🌓→🌕 zunehmender Mond
FULL=🌕 Vollmond
WANING_GIBBOUS=🌕→🌗 abnehmender Mond
THIRD_QUARTER=🌗 letztes Viertel
WANING_CRESCENT=🌗→🌑 abnehmender Halbmond

NULL=unbekannt ⁉
-=unbekannt ⁉

I have the same tne same problem with the Xiaomi Vaccum.


I guess you accidentally pasted the items twice instead of the rules.
The sitemap is wrong. Please add

sitemap astro label="Astro Sitemap" {


around your sitemap code.

Ok!! i´m stupid XD

It is already corrected and added but it still does not work, nothing appears when I click on “astro” in sitemaps.
Rule file is not necessary since it only shows information


sitemap astro label="Astro Sitemap"

Text item=Current_DateTime label="Weather and Astro [%1$tA, %1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY]" icon="sun_clouds" {
            Frame label="Now" {
                //Switch item=Night_State label="Phase of Day" mappings=[OFF="Tag", ON="Nacht"]
                Text item=Day_Phase icon="sunmoon"
                Text item=Sunrise_Time icon="sunrise" visibility=[Night_State == ON]
                Text item=Sunset_Time icon="sunset" visibility=[Night_State == OFF]
                Text item=Sun_Elevation icon="sunmoon" visibility=[Sun_Elevation > 0]
                Text item=Moon_Elevation icon="sunmoon" visibility=[Moon_Elevation > 0]
                Text item=Zodiac_Sign icon="zodiac"
                Text item=Moon_Phase
                Text item=Moon_Next_Full icon="fullmoon"
                    visibility=[Moon_Phase == WAXING_CRESCENT,
                        Moon_Phase == FIRST_QUARTER,
                        Moon_Phase == WAXING_GIBBOUS,
                        Moon_Phase == FULL]
                Text item=Moon_Next_New icon="fullmoon"
                    visibility=[Moon_Phase == WANING_GIBBOUS,
                        Moon_Phase == THIRD_QUARTER,
                        Moon_Phase == WANING_CRESCENT,
                        Moon_Phase == NEW]
            Frame label="Forecast" {
                Text label="This is part of other tutorials..." icon="sun_clouds"