Nexa LMST-606 Telldus as contact in openhab

Hi all, im
a new user of openhab whit a problem

I purchased
the Nexa LMST-606 and got it working as a swith, but when I change it to a contact I cant sem to get it to work.

as switch whit roule changed to " Item yDoorBasement changed from OFF to ON it works, but then i have a on off switch in my sitemap and the icon “door” is not working, pleas help.

Here are my
item file :

// Dør sensorer

Contact yDoorBasement "Yttre kjeller dør " <door> (gDoor, gBasement,gSecurity)

And my roules :

//---- Kjellerdør opne lukke ----------------------    
rule "Kjellerdoor open"
            Item yDoorBasement changed from CLOSED to OPEN
           say("Basement door open")             

           //notifyMyAndroid("Openhab", "Noen har åpnet Kjeller døra")

    rule "Kjellerdoor off"
           Item yDoorBasement changed from OPEN to CLOSED
        say("Basement door closed")             
           //notifyMyAndroid("Openhab","Noen har lukket Kjeller døra")
//END---- Kjellerdør opne lukke----------------------

And my

device {

  id = 12

  name = "yDoorBasement"

  controller = 0

  protocol = "arctech"

  model = "selflearning-switch:nexa"

  parameters {

    # devices = ""

    house = "17134630"

    unit = "10"

    code = "0000000000"

    system = "1"

    # units = ""

    fade = "false"


And my errorlog :

2015-11-22 10:09:15.443 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=1, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:16.164 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=1, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:17.058 [INFO ] [.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding]
- Could not find config for TellstickDevice [deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement,
status=1, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:18.133 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=1, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:37.659 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=2, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:38.144 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=2, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:39.119 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=2, deviceType=1, data=null]

2015-11-22 10:09:40.153 [INFO ]
[.b.t.internal.TellstickBinding] - Could not find config for TellstickDevice
[deviceId=12, name=yDoorBasement, status=2, deviceType=1, data=null]

Regards Eivind

According to wiki on the telldus binding:

Tellstick binding support currently Sensors (Temperatur and Humidity)
and Devices (Switch, Dimmable and Dimmable without absolute level)

So it seems it doesn’t support “contact”…

I use the LMST-606 my self but with rfxcom (RFXtrx433E). Worked fine for me and been very stable aswell.