Niko Home Control V1 Thermostat not working

Hello to everybody,

I’m having trouble with the Niko Home Control binding in OH3.
Everything seems to work except when I try to change the thermostat.
The measured: temperature works fine. This is read only.
The mode: can be changed in OH but does not change in NHC
The overrule: time is constantly on 0 and it looks like I can’t change it.
The setpoint: shows the temperature that is set but again, isn’t changeable.

When I look at the binding description on, overrule and setpoint should be changeable.

Can somebody help me with this problem?

There were indeed a number of bugs with thermostats. There is an outstanding PR that fixes this submitted for review.
I have a compiled version of the most recent developments that includes this fix here. This version changes very frequently as I am currently enhancing it with functionality for energy data for NHC I. So there is considerable risk that things don’t work 100%. I haven’t touched thermostats for a while though.

Thank you for responding.
This might be a stupid question.
How do I get this fix into my openhab?
Or do I have to edit the code somewhere?

To install, first remove the binding through the UI. Then, drop the new file from the link in the addons directory. Check the openHAB installation documentation for the precise location if needed. There is no need to recreate things. They should update automatically.

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