Nikobus v2

Hard to say without logs … maybe double check connection to Nikobus PC Link …

Solved my ERROR: COMM problem. However the PC-Link says ONLINE the Com-port setting was changed.

I’ve got a PC-Link and a PC-Logic in my Nikobus installation. When I connect my OH3-server to the PC-Logic the PC-Link bridge works like it’s connected to the PC-Link (Works on Logic with Link address).

When I connect a second (Snapshot/Milestone) OH3-server to either the PC-Link or PC-Logic port I get the port ERROR: COMM described above. Is my conclusion right that two OH3-servers can’t bridge to the same address?

Is there someone who has two servers linked to a Nikobus installation? Eg with two PC-Link controllers?


I’m trying to program Nikobus buttons to change my Nikobus lights, but not by Nikobus, but by openhab. I have no clue of what I’m doing wrong, so… . When I test the rule through the OH interface, it works, but when I press the physical button, It does not.

The push button is online.

Test On

  - id: "1"
      itemName: NikobusPushButton1522DE5BP231C5_ButtonEvent
      state: ON
      previousState: OFF
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
  - inputs: {}
    id: "3"
      itemName: light_Eethoek_Centraal
      state: OFF
      operator: =
    type: core.ItemStateCondition
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      itemName: light_Eethoek_Centraal
      command: ON
    type: core.ItemCommandAction

Test Off

  - id: "1"
      itemName: NikobusPushButton1522DE5BP231C5_ButtonEvent
      state: OFF
      previousState: ON
    type: core.ItemStateChangeTrigger
  - inputs: {}
    id: "3"
      itemName: light_Eethoek_Centraal
      state: ON
      operator: =
    type: core.ItemStateCondition
  - inputs: {}
    id: "2"
      itemName: light_Eethoek_Centraal
      command: OFF
    type: core.ItemCommandAction

Hey! Not 100% sure what are you trying to accomplish … Please note Nikobus push button does not have a state (on/off) but can trigger commands, see here for details. Please provide more details in order to provide better feedback …

Hey thanks for the reply. I indeed missed the part where it says the buttons don’t have a state and I have to use the filter trigger. From “Beside receiving a status update (ON) when a physical Nikobus push button is pressed” in the documentation I thought there indeed was an on/off state. My mistake.

Hi @crnjan

Apparently there is no way to message you personally through this forum, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m very grateful for the nikobus-code/addon for openhab. It’s magic to see that I can connect my nikobus via openhab to mqtt to my sonoffs to control my garden lights. And you (and of course the other openhab-crew) made that my installation can do things beyond my imagination.

So thank you. Also for the good pointers on my badly asked questions :slight_smile:

If I can ever buy you a coffee, let me know.

For the other readers, sorry for hijacking this thread but I didn’t find another way to say thanks :pray:

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Hi @crnjan

I agree on Bruno’s message

So +1 coffee on my bill :+1:


Thank you and glad you find it useful!


Since some weeks I have weird behaviour on Nikobus buttons which are only used by openhab and not by nikobus, where I check the channel for button pressed.

This button comes online, no issues whatsoever.

UID: nikobus:push-button:ead36cb534:9F8542
label: Nikobus Push Button 10A87E:3 BP35_A_2
thingTypeUID: nikobus:push-button
  address: 9F8542
bridgeUID: nikobus:pc-link:ead36cb534

This button came online, but since a while I get HANDLER_CONFIGURATION_PENDING

UID: nikobus:push-button:ead36cb534:1F8542
label: Nikobus Push Button 10A87E:3 BP35_C_2
thingTypeUID: nikobus:push-button
  address: 1F8542
bridgeUID: nikobus:pc-link:ead36cb534
  - id: NikobusPushButton10A87E_1keukenbovenaanrechts
    channelTypeUID: nikobus:trigger-filter
    label: NikobusPushButton10A87E_1keukenbovenaanrechts
    description: ""
      command: PRESSED

Any pointers? The weird thing is that it worked without issues, but since an undefinite while - even after reboot - it does not…

Can you check:

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Thx for quick reply. They come indeed online like that. Weird thing is that in the UI the delay is set as 0

but when I look in the code (images for proof :D)

there is no 0.

I added it manually, it works again now, thx for that.

Hey! No problem - yes, I have seen this before and not 100% sure if this is a Nikobus binding issue or serialization/store/restore issue within webui or even core … The delay is a mandatory property but has a default value of 0 - so you shouldn’t need to specify it, but my guess is that it fails to load since it’s marked as mandatory (although 0 is set as default value) …

<parameter name="delay" type="integer" required="true" min="0" unit="ms">
  <description>Delay in milliseconds before triggered</description>

FYI :wink:

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@crnjan I believe the parameter required should not be set to true when there is a default value. In a review of my nikohomecontrol binding, a reviewer asked me to remove it for that reason.

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Thank you, good to know, was not aware of this - to be honest, did not spend much time with it since workaround is quite simple, will do a PR to fix it.


I am running OH 3.1.0 and can not find the “Add Channel” button/link in the push button OH GUI?
Has it been added yet or do we have to add channels to push buttons manually?

Hey! Should be there, under Channels

Not for me.

(The trigger channel was added manually)

are you using file based configs? i guess one cannot mix ui and file based configs so if you define thing in file you need to add channels there too … or add thing in ui and then you should see the button …

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OK thx!