No Channels by HM-CC-RT-DN actuators

I have encountered the following problem, not a single channel appears in my PaperUI at the HM-CC-RT-DN ITEM.

I’ve already tried everything, rebind them again, FW Update and so on.
From the piVCCU I can control the thermostat normally and the paring runs without problems.
I installed Openhab in the current version 2.4.
With all other Homeatic actuators I did not have the problem so far.
Has anyone ever had similar experiences?



Is that device supported on the rather ancient 2.4 binding? It is now almost a year old.


This is most likely the “Channel not found for datapoint” problem. The thing is wrongly initialised. If you use thing files, a restart of openHAB or a save of the thing file might help. If you use PaperUI for things you need to delete the thing and let it rediscover.

ohhh, I’ve done this a couple of times without any success

What of those? If you did one try the way.

Sorry for my late Response. A lot of Worok by just a little of time…
I use the PaperUI und rediscover a several of time. I’ve also delete the HM-CC-RT-DN in the piVCCU and added it again. Also no improvement