No code fence button in editor

I just recognized that my code fence button in the editor is gone. Has anyone else that problem?

Currently i am trying the new Edge Browser from Microsoft.

No, still there (Firefox, Chrome, Edge):

The old ones are working better for me, but things are changing.
Thanks for that hint.

That is Preformatted Text, not Code Fence.

There are special codefence buttons for items/rules/sitemap/code, as illustrated in Rich’s post here.

Some time ago, most of these went “invisible”.
They’re still functional, and you get a tooltip if you mouse hover over the blank places.

More recently, the surviving ‘items’ icon went invisible too, as was shown here

There is a thread about this, but it seemed to peter out with no fix


It’s Code Fence without syntax coloring :grinning:

Thats great. invisible Button, thats like dehydrated water :slight_smile:


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