In my logs, I receive the message in the subject (No Ecobee in-bindings have been found for selection
) literally every 3 minutes. My binding appears to be working, and all items associated with it get updated when there are updates. Any thoughts/suggestions of what might be causing this? I’m just trying to get rid of the noise in my logs where possible…
Which version of the Ecobee binding are you using? The openHAB1 version or the openHAB2 version?
This is surprising - I have both the old and the new installed (although that’s not my intention)!
227 x Active x 80 x 1.14.0 x openHAB Ecobee Action
230 x Active x 80 x 1.14.0 x openHAB Ecobee Binding
231 x Active x 80 x 2.5.10 x openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Ecobee Binding
I’ll remove the old version 1 and message if that doesn’t do the trick. No idea how that happened unless I’ve got a lingering config file somewhere…
Ok. Yeah, that might be the cause of the problem. Post back here if you run into any other issues.