My charts are working well in habmin, but I tried to add some more data to display.
When I try to chart these data, charts stay blank. I don’t know what I’m missing.
The data I add (The two first vary from 0 to 65535) are transmitted through MQTT.
The *.items file : (first I tried with <sun> instead <number> but no difference)
I dont understand I removed the “everyMinute” from some other items groups and they still charting well.
Is this because they had some record from before when “everyMinute” was activated for them?
Is there a way to only store data when a change occurs? Not on a time frequency?
I don’t know if I understand all explanations of your link, some data are loosed and old data are averaged by openhab when going forwards?
You were right, now my charting is working with this new items! Thank you again
I’m interested in InfluxDB but by following your link I read this
These are the special steps to install InfluxDB and Grafana on a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, the older Raspberry Pi 1 is not suited due to it’s ARMv6 architecture .
My openhab2 server run on a cute Raspberry Pi (the first) revision B (Raspbian Jessie). So I understand that InfluxDB need too much resources to run on it? What do you think could be better than rrd4j for my small RPi?
I use SQlite for my other services (very light against MySQL)