Hello @xtremdiver and welcome to the community.
You don’t have to do anything. These “classic icons” are preexistent in the openHAB core files. You can simply use them!
If with ‘integration’ you mean ‘adding’ Well just add them to the config/icons/classic folder… but ofcourse that only can be done if you have all those icons as separate files.
I do not know the source of that picture, but I presume you need to do some digging where they came from.
If you cannot find the source files, ofcourse you can always cut the icons out of that one picture and safe them separately, but that is considerable more work
thanks @Kees_van_Gelder, I know that you can put icons in the folder manually.
however, I would like use the 3D icons and not the standard icons.
Is there officially 3D icons downloadable?
Just wanted to be complete.
I have only seen the 3D set in one picture, never separate, although someone must have them
So if you really really want them, can always cut them out, but that is a lot of work.
Now I know the link I am going to give you doesnt have 3D icons, but they do contain a lot of interesting icons. Found this through Thom, so maybe you have it already. https://icons8.com/icon/new-icons/al
and ofcourse there is this one, maybe if interest for you or someone else https://www.iconfinder.com/iconsets/32x32-free-design-icons
There are no other official openHAB icon sets as far as I know. There was one published by one community member recently, can’t find it right now. If someone knows, please add a link.
I tested it. Setup svg or png is in Paper UI → Configuration → Services → Configure Basic UI → Icon Format from Vector (svg) to Bitmap (png).
or via config file “/var/lib/openhab2/etc/org.eclipse.smarthome.basicui.cfg” → iconType