No mouseover effect to show variable values


I use the current realease of VS Code with the OH and OH Alignment Tool Addon. But when I try to use the mouseover at varitables no value is displayed.

The VSCode option editor:suggest:show values is “ON”

Any ideas what can be the problem? Can be there a connection problem to my OH server? How can I check this?

I use OH 3.4.2

This is my settings.json in VSCode

    "openhab.connection.port": 8080,
    "": "",
    "openhab.connection.basicAuth.username": "username",
    "openhab.connection.authToken": "tokenname",
    "[openhab]": {
        "editor.defaultFormatter": "max-beckenbauer.oh-alignment-tool"
    "openhab.connection.basicAuth.password": ""

Thanks in advance


don’t set a username or a password, but only the authToken. Please be aware that it’s not the tokenname, but the complete token, something like this:


just create it an copy the whole token.

I did so. the output of the VSCode console is “openHAB vscode extension has been activated” and “Newly configured auth token validated successfully!”

But there is still no mouseover effect.

    "openhab.connection.port": 8080,
    "": "",
    "openhab.connection.basicAuth.username": "",
    "openhab.connection.authToken": "tokenname",
    "openhab.connection.basicAuth.password": ""

Any more hints? I don’t know if there is still a problem with the connection to get the values back to VSCode or if there is a other option missing in VSCode?

Is the "use rest API’ setting activated and can you reload the items and things browser?

The “use rest api” setting is activated.

What do you mean with: can you reload the items and things browser?

You may check if this works properly, to evaluate the api connection in basic.

Also you may check the developer tools, to check what hovering is doing currently and give us some logs.

Thank for all the screenshots.

First I do not have a icon on the left side to try the first question.

How will I get such icon?
The OpenHab Addon is installed.