(Stefaan Vandevelde)
January 2, 2022, 7:23pm
Platform information:
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 4
OS: OpenHabian
openHAB version: 3
Issue of the topic: There is no profile available for the selected item
error message while trying to create an item for a thing
I have been able to create a thing for a Zigbee pushbutton through a phoscon gateway.
I’m confident that the thing is correctly configured because I get this in the Openhab logging when pushing the button
20:08:54.836 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent ] - deconz:switch:homeserver:swTestXiaomi:buttonevent triggered 1000
20:08:55.050 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent ] - deconz:switch:homeserver:swTestXiaomi:buttonevent triggered 1002
20:08:57.586 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent ] - deconz:switch:homeserver:swTestXiaomi:buttonevent triggered 1000
20:08:58.203 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent ] - deconz:switch:homeserver:swTestXiaomi:buttonevent triggered 1001
20:08:58.668 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ChannelTriggeredEvent ] - deconz:switch:homeserver:swTestXiaomi:buttonevent triggered 1003
However, when I try to create an item for this thing in the OpenHAB3 web UI, I get this error
Why does such a simple thing fail ?
Here’s the steps I take
From the things list, I select the button
Next I select the Channel
tab and select the Button Trigger
Next I click Add Link to Item ...
Next I select create a new Item
I don’t change any of the fields, when I click the Link
button, I get this error message
(Rich Koshak)
January 2, 2022, 8:18pm
That’s a Trigger Event Channel. You can’t link those to an Item. There is no state in this type of channel.
This type of channel can be used to trigger a rule directly. No items required or allowed.
January 2, 2022, 8:56pm
Comment: technically, it is possible to link some event channels to Items, but it can only be done using certain profiles.
I don’t think MainUI properly deals with this circumstance.
But it is very rarely needed for any reason. It’s unlikely you need to do it here.
opened 09:15AM - 12 Sep 21 UTC
main ui
## The problem
![grafik](… 32981849-932fcac7-6c8c-41da-9b70-c3aaf0ad5402.png)
E.g. the astro-binding shows the functionality "add link to item..." in the channels list below a channel. For a trigger channel the user assumes that it is possible to add a link to an item. However, the linking will fail because for the new item to be created an error message "there is no profile available for the selected item" appears as soon as the user tries to link it.
As far as I was told, this is due to the fact that trigger channels cannot be linked to an item.
## Expected behavior
Do not show functionalty which must by definition not work for that channel.
## Steps to reproduce
1. Click on "add link to item" below a trigger channel (in the astro-binding's) channel list
2. Configure the item
3. Click on "Link"
## Your environment
version: 3.1.0
buildString: Release Build
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configFolder: /openhab/conf
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logFolder: /openhab/userdata/logs
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timestamp: 2021-09-12T09:12:39.781Z
(Stefaan Vandevelde)
January 2, 2022, 9:38pm
Ok, thans for the help. I’ll try to consume the event directly In the script.
Any hint on how to do that in Javascript ?