No value is populated in my widget

Hello all,

I have been playing a bit with learning the basics of a widget but I cannot figure out why the value of my item is not desplayed.

tags: []
  parameters: []
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Oct 27, 2023, 3:51:12 PM
component: oh-label-card
  title: Next Calendar Event
    - component: oh-label
        text: =items.Calendar_Christos_Next_Event_Title.state

The item Calendar_Christos_Next_Event_Title does exist and it has a value in opehab. I deleted it and recreated it but still I don’t see any value in the widget. Only the title is displayed

There is no such component as an oh-label.

In order to link an item to the label on an oh-label-card, just use the item property and give it the name of your item.

tags: []
  parameters: []
  parameterGroups: []
timestamp: Oct 27, 2023, 3:51:12 PM
component: oh-label-card
  title: Next Calendar Event
  item: Calendar_Christos_Next_Event_Title