No version infos after upgrade to OH4 from OH3

I’ve made the upgrade to OH 4.1. successfully from the OH3.4.x version. Was quite smooth - well done to the openHab team. Only that now I’m missing the OH version infos when I login … it displays

(welcome message)

... Processes = 130 running processes of 32768 maximum processes
sed: /var/lib/openhab2/etc/ kann nicht gelesen werden: Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden

I wonder how the openhab2 comes into place here as this is years ago that I used it…
Guess there is just a small change necessary, thank you for help in advance

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What you see there is related to opengsbian not openhab.
Openhabian initially installed something in the users environment. The code in the users environment is not updated. This is the reason .
Check the content in the dot files. Iam away from my oh instance thus i cannot give etter advice.

Thank you for the hint - I see that there are lines in my .bash_profile like
if openhab3_is_installed; then OHPKG="openhab"; else OHPKG="openhab2"; fi
which clearly seems outdated… where can I get updated files of these? Don’t they get updated using the openhabian-config / update scripts? I’d expect such…

Code lines in my .bash_profile are:

if openhab2_is_installed; then OHPKG="openhab2"; else OHPKG="openhab"; fi

OHVERSION="$(sed -n 's/openhab-distro\s*: //p' /var/lib/${OHPKG}/etc/"
OHBUILD="$(sed -n 's/build-no\s*: //p' /var/lib/${OHPKG}/etc/"

I think that is not done by default because the file could have been edited by you and then these changes would be gone.
But as far as I can see there is menu 12 which can be executed manually and then a set of files will be reseted with the defaults that are provided by the opnehabian distribution.

Menu entry:

    "12 | Bash&Vim Settings"      "Update customized openHABian settings for bash, vim and nano" \

and files that will be affected ( routine names that will be executed are shown ):

      12\ *) bashrc_copy && vimrc_copy && vim_openhab_syntax && nano_openhab_syntax && multitail_openhab_scheme ;;

Super! Execution of the menu entry made the trick.

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