Node-red can't select itemName

Hi guys,

I’m running OH 3.1,

and node red V2.0.6 on an other server,

I’ve installed the following palette:



Are all these compatible?

I can’t seem to set my server settings correctly to start retrieving inputs,

do you guys use an auth key?

when I generate an api key, I get all my item statuses if I use the openhab events node’

but when i try to use an input it’s still blank


Same here…

Does not work
OH: openHAB 3.2.0.M4
NR: 2.1.3
NR-LIB: 1.3.28

This Works
OH: openHAB 3.2.0.M4
NR: 1.3.4
NR-LIB: 1.3.28


Look like last updates in NR or the Lib are somehow buggy…

Node-red can’t select itemName · Issue #27 · jeroenhendricksen/node-red-contrib-openhab3 (


Hi All,

Found the reason for the problem…

has nothing todo with the Node or NodeRed !

i am using a Docker Nodered instance in combination with Hassio … in that case all the NodeRed Entpoints get prefixed with /endpoint/ … so i had to change
line 545 in 77-openhab2.html from

$.getJSON("/openhab3/items", config)
$.getJSON("/endpoint/openhab3/items", config)

Hope this helps someone else doing the same thing and facing the same problem !


This didn’t work for me unfortunately

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