Hi, it’s a really impressive led project, I’ve made it successfully as a real beginner. A few days ago openhab released version 2.4 with a totally new MQTT binding. It seems it’s totally changed, the v1.x syntax is abolutely unusable. I’ve found a good starting point for the migration:[Using Sonoff Power Switches with Tasmota firmware and openHAB2 MQTT2 binding](http://Sonoff with MQTT v2) , but I stucked on the basic items. A simple switch or state item seems easy, but the items what use map transformations, and json based output commands, seems harder… Is somebody tried already to migrate this briliant project to the new MQTT version? As I’ve read, the transormation parameter works only on inbound mqtt messages, but I have to send commands as json. On a simple led_power item I could use the (on={state: “ON”}, off={state: “OFF”}) syntax, but what do I have to use for mapped items, led effect for example?