I’m not sure if this is an OpenHAB related bug or a bug in the Shelly device.
I have about 20 Shelly 1 Plus devices running in detached mode. Each action triggers a script in OpenHAB (e.g. switching the light). Two devices are behaving strangely. Sometimes after a few days the rule is not triggered (also the log in OpenHAB shows nothing). After rebooting the Shelly everything works fine again.
Here is the debug code from the shelly web ui when the shelly is working properly (with one button press):
"ts": 1702828414.872,
"level": 2,
"data": "shelly_notification:209 Event from input:0: {\"component\":\"input:0\", \"id\":0, \"event\":\"btn_down\", \"ts\":1702828414.86}"
"ts": 1702828414.973,
"level": 2,
"data": "shelly_notification:209 Event from input:0: {\"component\":\"input:0\", \"id\":0, \"event\":\"btn_up\", \"ts\":1702828414.96}"
"ts": 1702828415.373,
"level": 2,
"data": "shelly_notification:209 Event from input:0: {\"component\":\"input:0\", \"id\":0, \"event\":\"single_push\", \"ts\":1702828415.36}"
"ts": 1702828418.302,
"level": 1,
"data": "shos_rpc_inst.c:355 0x3ffdc800: duplicate id 'shellyplus1-7c87ce58b858'"
"ts": 1702828418.316,
"level": 2,
"data": "shos_rpc_inst.c:230 Shelly.GetStatus via HTTP_in POST"
"ts": 1702828463.361,
"level": 1,
"data": "shos_rpc_inst.c:355 0x3ffdc800: duplicate id 'shellyplus1-7c87ce58b858'"
"ts": 1702828463.375,
"level": 2,
"data": "shos_rpc_inst.c:230 Shelly.GetStatus via HTTP_in POST"
The string “duplicate id” is noticeable. The debug output for the shelly if it does not work properly:
"ts": 1702828075.604,
"level": 2,
"data": "shelly_notification:209 Event from input:0: {\"component\":\"input:0\", \"id\":0, \"event\":\"btn_down\", \"ts\":1702828075.59}"
"ts": 1702828075.736,
"level": 2,
"data": "shelly_notification:209 Event from input:0: {\"component\":\"input:0\", \"id\":0, \"event\":\"btn_up\", \"ts\":1702828075.72}"
"ts": 1702828076.105,
"level": 2,
"data": "shelly_notification:209 Event from input:0: {\"component\":\"input:0\", \"id\":0, \"event\":\"single_push\", \"ts\":1702828076.09}"
"ts": 1702828102.399,
"level": 2,
"data": "shos_rpc_inst.c:230 Shelly.GetStatus via HTTP_in POST"
There is no “duplicate id” string here. I have no idea how to do any more debugging on this problem. Do you have any ideas?