Nortek HUSBZB-1 Ember Coordinator - Serial Error: Port /dev/ttyUSB1 does not exist

True but the PR linked to discovered and added the ports to be used. Either there is a bug in the implementation or missing configuration instructions in the openhabian documentation.

OK, I filed a new Issue for this here.

Possibly it’s just missing from the openhabian docs then? It’s in the standard Linux documentation, so I expect it should be the same.

I’m not sure how far the openhabian specific doc is meant to go though - there must be a point where we say the basic install is complete, and read more specific installation instructions - either for Linux, or the binding. Otherwise documentation starts to get duplicated, and that’s bad news IMHO.

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They do not direct to specific installation instructions.
I notice the zwave binding warns th the log that the serial port is not set when you first add the controller.
There is no such message for the zigbee coordinator. Perhaps a message could be added also stating that the port needs to be defined in EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS as well.

Personally, I would prefer to avoid duplicating instructions. I think it’s better to refer to a common place for setting up things like the serial ports. That’s my preference and maybe others prefer something different, but the risk of duplication is that as changes are made, only some instances get updated and the documentation ends up a confusing mess.

From the comments I saw on GitHub it was implied by Wouter that the configuration is only needed for some bindings though.
Since openHABian is meant ti simplify installation, perhaps they can add the configuration for the discovered ports automatucally

I’m not sure how it can be added automatically as the dongles are normally added after installation, or at any time during the life of the system (eg 1 month, 1 year… later…).

The points made on GH were that it is apparently not needed if the OH abstraction layer is used as that does some sort of of detection. Unfortunately when I tried to support this a while back in the ZWave binding, it caused loads of problems with serial port use and after a few months of p!ssing everyone off, I removed it. This took me a load of time and effort to add, support and remove, and I’m a little hesitant to go down that route again.

I understand that and thanks for sharing that experience.
It is notable I have not experienced this issue with zwave, only with zigbee.
Is there something different in the zwave binding that could help the zigbee one?

As an openHABian user I was blindsided by this issue and would not have found the solution without your direction. I am trying to make it less painful for new users and those helping them since this issue does not always occur.

EDIT: I think the best path now is to add documentation to the Serial Port section for the ZigBee binding referencing the possible need to adjust the configuration file.

EDIT2: Many of us here are blind. It is already in the documentation, but under Coordinators not Serial Port.

If you are running on Linux, then you probably need to add the user ‘openhab’ to the tty group, and enable EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS for the serial port your coordinator uses (see Linux install guide).

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The Z-Wave binding is still using the OHC serial transport so it can still detect ports if you don’t add them all to the environment variable, see:

There’s also a PR for using that transport with the ZigBee binding which resolves these detection issues when the port is not in the environment variable:

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Complete Fix Guide:

Just when I was about to throw this thing thru the window!!! …

I did all the below, it still didn’t work. The zwave device showed up fine, easily, since the beginning. The Zigbee device was very stubborn however. First it was the "port does not exist, then the unknown status. Was reporting as “unknown” in openhab paperui after each fix below. What finally fixed it (after everything below, thanks to everyone above :slight_smile: ), was I deleted the Ember 35x Coordinator, then rebooted my system. Then I added it and it worked! I pasted my personal instructions below in case anyone wants the easy way (why not!). Its possible the symbolic links below arent needed, but below makes it easy, it should be stable, and easy copy/paste instructions.

My Setup: Raspberry Pi 4+, OpenHAB 1.5, Nortec husbzb-1

Make sure the device youre adding is deleted from openHAB before you continue!

ls /dev/tty* (Get all devices - Unplug, run cmd, plug, run cmd, compare)
udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB0) (Get info about zwave device, particularly ATTRS{serial}=="…)
udevadm info -a -p $(udevadm info -q path -n /dev/ttyUSB1) (Get info about zigbee device)
sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/99-husbzb-1.rules
SUBSYSTEM==“tty”, ATTRS{idVendor}==“10c4”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“8a2a”, ATTRS{serial}=="[YourSerial#]", ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM}==“00”, SYMLINK+=“zwave”
SUBSYSTEM==“tty”, ATTRS{idVendor}==“10c4”, ATTRS{idProduct}==“8a2a”, ATTRS{serial}=="[YourSerial#]", ENV{ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM}==“01”, SYMLINK+=“zigbee”
sudo udevadm trigger
ls -la /dev/zigbee /dev/zwave (Check it works)

sudo nano /etc/default/openhab2
EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS="-Xms250m -Xmx350m"
<CTRL+O> <CTRL+X> (Save & Exit)

Add it now in PaperUI:
PaperUI->Addons->Bindings->Zigbee Binding->Install (If not done already)
PaperUI->Inbox->±>Zigbee Binding->Add Manually->Ember EM35x Coordinator->Port:zigbee, Flow:Software, Baud:57600->Checkmark
It should show as online

There were changes in how the serial connection works between the original posts and current version 2.5.

Deleting and re-adding the coordinator uses those binding changes. A reboot should not have been needed.

I don’t think that’s correct. I only merged the changed serial PR yesterday, so that’s definitely after 2.5 was released.

My faulty memory again… Sorry.:scream: It’s an old age thing. :frowning:

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