Not able to edit location card appearance

Hello all

I am very new to the OpenHAB game, and i’m trying to go through the tutorial to get the hang of the configuration of my OpenHAB setup (OpenHABIAN).

While trying to configure the appearance of my location cards, it seems that I cannot acces the card customization by clicking on the menu item. The window pops up, but no options are available to customize… What could I be doing wrong?

Most likely, something has already gotten improperly added to the configuration of the card which is causing the dialog to fail to parse the information. The first steps you should take are:

  1. Open the console in the browser developers tools (usualy just press F12) and look to see if any errors appear when you open that edit card dialog. If they do, post the text of the error here using code fences: ``` above and below the text like this:
error text
  1. Instead of opening the dialog, in the main Home Page Edit page, click on the code tab at the top and copy the contents of the locations section here (again, using code fences).

With that information, we should be able to work out what is going wrong.

Hello Justin! Thanks for the advice. While opening the developers tools, I noticed right away a number of issues related to the font. I suspect Microsoft Edge does not being able to identify the font because of company restrictions in the settings. Accessing the OpenHAB editor by means of Google Chrome works without a problem. I should have tried this out before!

I will only use Chrome from now on to configure OpenHAB to avoid this issue in the future.

Interesting. I don’t ever use Edge so I hadn’t seen this before, nor have I seen anyone report it. It might be worth it for you to file an issue in the ui repository in case there’s an easy fix with a fallback to a more universal font.