Hello guys
I have to replace a KNX actor with a Espeasy controlled Relay Board.
The Espeasy is ready for service…
To control the Espeasy i have to run a local rule on the Espeasy.
To run this rule i send a MQTT message from a Windows Mosquitto test client to the Espeasy. My problem is i can 't send the same message string out of my Openhab2.1.
His is the working mosquitto command:
mosquitto_pub -d -h 192.168.Y.X -t /sonoffch4/cmd -m “event up”
And this is my Openhab Test Switch Item:
Switch sonoffCH411 "Sonoff CH4 up" <poweroutlet> (Technical) { mqtt=">[MQTTlocal:/sonoffch4/cmd:command:ON:event up],>[MQTTlocal:/sonoffch4/cmd:command:command:OFF:event stop],<[MQTTlocal:/sonoffch4/cmd:command:default:.*]"}
To run the Espeasy rule on the Esp I have to send the MQTT Message “event,up” or “event up” bot it is not possible to send any strings with coma or space out from OH to the mqtt brocker.
Has anyone an idea to send strings with spaces out of OH?
Many thanks